Maximizing Potential of Winter Forages

Amanda Grev, Pasture and Forage Specialist
University of Maryland Extension

The time for silage harvest is either here or soon to be here, which means the subsequent planting of winter forages is quickly approaching and now is the time to be thinking ahead on plans for winter forage plantings. With proper fertilization and management, winter forages can be a high yielding forage crop with as much as 17-20% crude protein and 180+ relative forage quality while also providing environmental benefits in the form of nutrient retention and soil erosion control.

Regardless of your choice of species, there are several steps you can take to boost production and achieve maximum success with these winter forages. One of the biggest things you can do to maximize the benefits of winter forages and increase yield potential the following spring is to use an earlier planting date. The ideal time to plant is typically 10 days to two weeks ahead of the recommended wheat for grain planting date for your region. By planting winter forages in this earlier timeframe, the plants have more time to generate tillers during the fall. When it comes to forage production, more tillers equals greater forage yield. Replicated trials in New York have reported 9 to 11 tillers per seed for earlier plantings of triticale compared to 2 to 5 tillers per seed for later plantings. As a result, winter triticale planted around mid-September produced 25-30% greater dry matter yield compared to winter triticale planted in early October. This earlier planting date also resulted in an earlier harvest the following spring, with triticale planted in September being ready to harvest a week earlier than that planted in October.

Planting winter forages earlier also allows you to better capitalize on any remaining nitrogen left in the soil from the previous crop. When manure is applied to corn in the spring, it not only releases nitrate during the growing season but it will continue to release it after corn silage harvest. Earlier-planted winter forages are able to capture this nitrogen and use it to produce more tillers that will increase yield potential the following spring. Research out of Cornell showed that triticale nitrogen uptake averaged 62 pounds of nitrogen per acre for triticale planted before September 20th compared to 19 pounds of nitrogen per acre when planted after September 20th. For every ton of triticale dry matter biomass that was produced in the fall, approximately 70 pounds of nitrogen was taken up. In other words, more dry matter produced in the fall meant more nitrogen was stored and held over until the following spring. The bottom line is by planting on time, a considerable amount of nitrogen can be taken up and stored in the crop that would otherwise likely be lost or leached away.

Other added benefits stemming from additional fall biomass include greater protection of the crown from cold weather due to the additional top growth, as well as greater root growth which can reduce injury potential from winter heaving. And finally, early planting also results in a rapidly growing crop that can better outcompete weeds and will likely lessen the need for herbicides.

If early planting is not feasible due to the corn coming off later or for another reason, planting a winter forage at a later date can still provide economical yields of high quality forage and will still serve to protect the soil from erosion and improve soil health and structure by having living roots in the soil throughout the winter. That being said, if you are planting later, don’t try to make up for lost yield by putting down more seed. Research has shown that there is rarely an advantage to this, even with a later planting date. Triticale planted in New York the third week of October at seeding rates increasing from 100 to 200 pounds of seed per acre showed no significant yield differences the following spring. Instead of spending the money on extra seed, consider spending it on having a 3-way fungicide seed treatment applied to the seed. Field trials have shown a 15% increase in yield for treated seed compared to untreated seed when planted at an earlier or on-time planting date, and a 28% increase in yield for treated seed when planted at a later planting date.

Additionally, although seed planting depth is always a critical factor in forage plantings, as planting dates move later than optimum it becomes more critical that winter forage seeds be planted deep enough. Winter forages need to be planted a minimum of 1.25 inches deep. This deeper planting depth will allow the roots to establish firmly in the soil and resist early spring heaving.

For both early- and late-planted winter forages, a shot of nitrogen in the fall can help stimulate fall tillering without affecting winter hardiness. This can be applied in the form of manure or commercial fertilizer and can have a beneficial effect on yields the following spring. In New York trials, adding and immediately incorporating 4,000 gallons of manure per acre prior to planting increased yields for early-planted winter triticale by 14% and for later-planted winter triticale by 33%. However, manure application at this time can be harder to accomplish as harvest is ongoing and labor is often tied up in chopping and hauling. If a choice must be made, it is more important to get the winter forage in the ground early than it is to delay for the sake of adding manure. Getting the winter forage in the ground on time is more critical than applying manure because it maximizes both fall tillering and the absorption of leftover soil nitrogen. Most corn that has had manure applied will have some leftover nitrogen to support the fall tillering necessary for higher spring yields.

Last but not least, don’t forget to consider variety selection. New forage varieties continue to be developed and released because they offer improvements over existing varieties, and winter forages are no different. Choose a variety that has been tested and has shown superior performance in terms of forage yield and quality, and be sure to select and plant certified, weed-free seed in order to reach maximum potential.


Short Forage, Fall Oats, Winter Forage Options

Jeff Semler, Principal Agriculture Agent
University of Maryland Extension, Washington County

Each year, someone, somewhere, ends the growing season short on forage. There are many more this year. For much of our area, dry conditions are continuing as the jet stream tends to not move for extended periods during the present solar minimum we are experiencing. One area gets dumped on while the other goes begging for water. This has impacted the second (and some areas the first) cutting. Hay crop yields are reported to be down 30 to 40%. The extended days with temperature over 85 F can decrease corn silage yields as corn stops growing above that and we have had many days that fit that picture. Added to it the dry conditions and the potential is for corn yields both be down and later maturity as the corn stopped growing for extended days this summer. It is nearly the beginning of September, and you need to identify how much feed you need and what will supply that. There are still a few options open for last chance forage this year. There are also steps you can take this fall to get very early forage next spring when you run out of haylage. 

If you are looking for high-quality dairy forage, no mechanically harvested crop will produce as much and as high a quality as late summer planted spring oats. Because of the increasingly cool fall temperatures, the forage quality is incredibly high (higher than forage oats in the spring). You may want plant later to wait for the cooler nights to reduce the aphid population which can bring in in Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. Aphids can infect the plant with BYDV in less than 30 minutes. If you are planting early or on time, it is recommended using a neonic seed treatment as they are effective in limiting aphid feeding, based on research from the Cornell IPM coordinator. A moist fall can hammer this excellent plan by a major outbreak of rust. It could reduce quality and yield. Normally it starts to show a week or so before harvest. If scouting finds it, a highly suggested practice is to apply a fungicide to the oats when they are starting stem elongation. If you have a cereal leaf beetle outbreak an insecticide can be applied at the same time as the fungicide. Both are low cost assurance of top forage yield. 

It is suggested 3 bu/acre of oats. Klicer’s research found NO yield increase from increased fall oat seeding rate. If you use grain type oats, remember it will go through its life cycle quicker and so be ready to plan your timing to dry it for silage. If you are not going to be able to plant until later or have to harvest or graze later, then the slower forage oat type would be the better recommendation based on Ohio State research. Be liberal with the preplant manure but within your Nutrient Management Plan recommendations. In a 2010 study, Cornell studies had a relatively low yield of 2 tons DM/acre due to extremely dry weather. Despite the low yields, over 120 lbs of nitrogen/acre was removed as protein. *NOTE: If you applied manure don’t feed this to dry cows because of high potassium. 

For high producing dairy cows, mow as soon as the flag leaf is out, or early boot. Even early boot is still very good forage. The reason for this is because of the very cool night temperatures inhibit respiration of the most digestible parts, and they accumulate in the plant. As soon as it hits flag leaf, mow wide swath. You are trying to dry something that can yield 2 – 3 times more tons of dry matter than a heavy alfalfa first cutting, compounded by cooler temperatures and much less intensity and hours of sunlight. Even with wide swath, the high yield sheer mass will allow only the top to dry. As soon as the top has a light grey cast (pick up a surface plant and see if it is greener underneath) tedd to get the lower layers spread and drying. Watch forward speed so you don’t make tedder lumps. It is critical that it be ensiled the same day you mow because of the very high sugar levels (exception to rule: if it goes into the 30’s F at night it stops respiration and sugar loss and you can go to the next day). Leaving it overnight in warmer temperatures burns off the sugars and produces higher populations of Clostridia and higher levels of butyric acid. With same-day haylage, these are reduced or eliminated even at higher moisture conditions. On the flip side, the very high sugar levels, if preserved until you ensile the crop; will speed the process and produce an excellent fermented forage if inoculated. 

Fall Spring Oats plus Winter Triticale. This is a triple crop system where oats and winter triticale (100 lbs. oats/acre with 80 lbs. of triticale/acre) are planted after corn silage harvest or in fallow wheat ground. After the oat harvest, the triticale continued to grow and produced an excellent forage the next year. It is CRITICAL that you mow the oats with the cutter bar set at a minimum of 4 inches. Where 4 inches or more is left, the triticale thrived. Where mowed less than 3.5 inches the triticale died. Target flag leaf oat harvest to maximize triticale fall regrowth. Fertilize the triticale as normal the next spring and had an excellent harvest. This can give you two very high-quality forage crops in one planting. 

Last Chance Forage: If it rains, cool-season grasses put on a burst of growth in late August, September, and early October. Feeding the crop with nitrogen and sulfur can give you some very high-quality forage for your dairy herd. It will be wet so chop it ¾ to 1 inch long to reduce leachate. As with the oats above, use a homolactic inoculant and ensile it the same day it is mowed (unless temperatures drop to the 30’s at night). Remember to cut grass at 4-inch cutting height to maintain the stand.

First Chance for Very High-Quality Forage Next Year. Now is the time to get seed for winter forage. This will be the earliest highest quality forage you can get into your cows next spring. Fermented energy levels are equal to corn silage, protein (with sulfur fertilization) can equal good alfalfa. Both rye and winter triticale could be used to produce winter forage. Winter triticale is preferred as it is 35% higher yielding than rye in side by side tests. Flag leaf triticale resists lodging at nitrogen rates over 100 lbs.N/a which gives high crude protein, while rye lodges. 

The Key to High Winter Forage Yields is Planting on Time, which is: 10 DAYS TO TWO WEEKS BEFORE WHEAT-FOR-GRAIN PLANTING DATE IN YOUR AREA. This has proven true over the past 20 years of winter forage research. Earlier planting means more tillers which means more spring yield potential. On-time planting research showed a 25-35% yield increase next spring vs late (same date or later than wheat). 

Should we skip winter forage? NO! Go ahead and plant. You will protect the soil against long term yield-robbing soil erosion; improve the soil health and structure for long term yield gain and still could have economical yields of very high-quality forage. There are several steps that our research has found to improve the yield and survival of late winter forage. Don’t fall for the old story that if you plant late you can make up for it by putting down more seed. Research has not seen any advantage planting over 100 lbs winter triticale seed/acre. If you are forced this year to plant later than the optimum two weeks before wheat grain planting; instead of spending money on extra seed, spend it on having a 3-way fungicide seed treatment applied to the seed. In replicated trials at the on-time planting date, the treated seed yielded 15% more than the control of untreated seed. For the late planting date, the treated seed yielded 28% more than the untreated seed. The late seeding still produced 2.8 tons of dry matter (8 tons/a 35% dm) yield which is a very profitable crop. Much depends on fall weather. The management most critical to survival in late planting is to plant at 1.25 inches at a minimum. If you don’t, in early spring thaw the heaving will push the plant up and they don’t grow. For keys on planting watch the YouTube video Establishing Winter Triticale Forage.

Like cool season grass, oats with an under-crop of winter triticale must be mowed at 4-inch cutterbar height or it will be killed. Mowed properly, this triticale crop is growing very nicely the next spring. 

(adapted from research by Tom Klicer; Cornell University Emertis).

Management Tips to Harvest High Quality Winter Forage

Jeff Semler, Principal Agriculture Agent
University of Maryland Extension, Washington County

Article adapted with permission from information provided by Tom Kilcer, certified crop adviser in Kinderhook, N.Y.

In most of our region, the warm temperatures have kick started the winter forage. This crop can give you the earliest and the highest quality forage for your livestock. Now is the time to add nitrogen and sulfur, which can save you on protein supplements by allowing you to harvest high-protein forage.

Yield potential was set last fall, depending on planting date and available nitrogen. These two factors generate the number of fall tillers that help set the yield potential for the following spring.

While planting date is the most important factor, there is still potential for economical yields so long as the stand came through winter.

1. Provide sulfur for more protein. Sulfur has long been an overlooked plant nutrient. Prior to the clean air act, our sulfur came in our rain. Sulfur is critical for protein formation and should be included with any nitrogen application to winter forage. For example, adding extra nitrogen — 115 pounds — without sulfur only provided 12% crude protein. Adding a lesser amount of nitrogen with sulfur provided 17% crude protein. For a field that did not get manure last fall (a major on-farm sulfur source) an effective ratio is roughly 1 pound of sulfur for every 10 pounds of nitrogen. This is good for all cool-season grasses in addition to winter forage grains, such as triticale.Sulfur is also critical for corn and especially sorghum, which can produce much higher protein in the forage.

2. Increase N application. Research has shown that even if you immediately incorporated manure the previous fall before planting, an application of spring nitrogen is still needed.

In one study, spring fertilizer application didn’t increase the spring yield of triticale on manured ground but it did raise the crude protein from 9% to over 19%, which can potentially save money on purchased protein.

Many farms apply between 75 and 100 pounds of nitrogen an acre in spring. Even if you applied manure prior to planting in the fall, it is suggested increase this to 125 pounds an acre to boost forage protein and save on purchased protein. Remember, a 3-ton dry matter yield at flag leaf stage will remove 192 pounds of nitrogen at 20% crude protein. What is not used by the winter forage will still be used by the following crop.

One caution, don’t try this higher rate on rye. Rye has limited tillering and produces a tall but thinner stand. It is very prone to lodging when more than 50 pounds of nitrogen an acre are applied.

Triticale is only two-thirds the height of rye and is resistant to lodging. Several university trials have found that triticale yields 35% higher than rye because of the higher tiller density.

3. Add an antivolatilization agent. It is highly recommended to add an antivolatilization agent in the spring. This will inhibit the urease enzyme from splitting the urea into ammonia that could be lost. Trials have found that urea loss in fields treated with an antivolatilization agent were 63% less than in fields that were untreated. The antivolatilization compound increases the chance of full return on your fertilizer investment.

4. Know when to harvest. For those new to growing winter forage, it is ideal to harvest at the flag leaf stage (stage 9) for optimum quality. Stage 8 does not have higher quality than stage 9, and you can get a substantial yield drag from harvesting too soon.

If temperatures are warmer than normal, push to harvest the forage at the flag leaf stage. Conversely, if it is at stage 8 and there is a week of rain forecasted, get it cut so you have quality forage.