5 Highlights of Berkshire Hathaway’s Second Quarter Report

Berkshire Hathaway released its second quarter earnings report this morning.

The highlights were:

(1) Berkshire Hathaway’s operating earnings declined by 11% during the second quarter, primarily as a result of a 63% decline from insurance underwriting.

(2) Berkshire’s cash position increased to $122 billion from $114 billion at the end of the first quarter.

(3) Berkshire currently holds $200 billion in equities.

(4) Berkshire Hathaway reduced its equity securities in “Commercial, industrial, and other” by about $1.5 billion (cost basis) during the second quarter.  Its SEC Form 13F will be released after the market closes on August 14 and will reveal what changes were made to its equity portfolio during the second quarter.

(5) Berkshire Hathaway purchased only $440 million of its shares during the second quarter.

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1 Response

  1. August 5, 2019

    […] Article by Dr. David Kass […]