
Spring 2024

LING200 Introductory Linguistics: Introduction to the basic concepts and methodology of modern linguistic analysis (sound systems, word formation, sentence structure). Emphasis on scientific methodology and analytical problem-solving. Special emphasis on language & personal/social identity, dialect variability and language prejudice/discrimination. Designed as the prerequisite for all other LING courses.

LING330: Historical Linguistics: Introduction to the variety of ways languages change. Covers: sound change, analogical change, syntactic change, and semantic change, different models of language types and families, reconstruction of proto-languages by internal and comparative methods.


Fall 2024

LING240 Language and Mind: The study of language as a cognitive phenomenon. Reinforcement of the concepts and technical skills required for further courses in linguistics. Emphasis on how language is represented, acquired and processed in the human mind.

LING321: Phonology1: Reinforcement of basic concepts and analytical techniques of generative phonology. Investigates the interplay between articulatory / physiological properties and cognitive representations as a means of discovering the inventory of language sounds and language-specific phonological patterns.