Barbados Slave Code (1661 – 1667)

In 1661, Barbados became the first English colony to pass a comprehensive slave code.  Below is the best version of it we have.  The problem is that the only versions of it that survive date to 1667, when it had already been amended twice: this version was transcribed and sent by members of the Council. The passage of the act was quite peculiar.

An Act for the better ordering and governing of Negroes

1 Whereas heretofore many good Lawes and ordinances have been made for
2 the governing – Regulateing and ordering of the negroe Slaves in this Island &
3 sundry punishments appointed to many. Their misdemeanors—crimes and offences
4 which have not yet met the effect hath been desired and might have reasonably been
5 expected had ye Masters of Families; and others ye Inhabitants
6 of this Island been soe carefull of theire obedience and complyance with the said
7 Lawes as they ought to have beene; And those former Lawes being in many
8 clauses imperfect, and not fully comprehending the true Constitution of this
Government in relation to their slaves the Negroes an heathenish, brutish and
10 an uncertaine and dangerous kind of people, to whom (if surely anything) we
11 may extend ye Legislative power given us of provisionary Lawes, for ye
12 benefit and good of this plantation, not being contradictory to ye Lawes
13 of England; There being in all ye body of that Law, noe tract to give us
14 where to walke, nor any rule sett us, how to governe such slaves. Yett we
15 well know by ye right rule of reason, and order, we are not to leave them to
16 ye arbitrary, cruel, & outrageous will, of every evil disposed person, but
17 soe farre to protect them as we doe many other goods and Chattels, and alsoe
18 somewhat further as being created men, though without ye knowledge of God
19 in ye world; We have heretofore upon Mature & serious consideracions of
20 ye premises; Thought good to renew and revive, whatsoever we have found




An Act for the better ordering and governing of Negroes (Ctd.)
1 necessary, and usefull in ye former Lawes, concerning ye Governing and
2 ordering Negroes; And to adde thereunto such further Lawes and ordinances, as
3 at this time we thinke absolutely needful for the publique safety and may prove
4 in ye future behoofefull to ye peace and utility of this Isle by this Act
5 repealing and dissolving all other former Laws made concerning the said
6 Negroes and for the time to come.       
7 Be it enacted published and declared and it is by the President, Council, and
8 Assembly of this Isle and by authority of the same enacted, ordained, and published
9 that no Master, Mistress, Commander, or Overseer of any family within this Island
10 shall give their Negroes leave on Sabbath days, Holy days or at any other
11 time to go out of their plantations except such Negroes as usually wait upon
12 them at home and abroad, and them with a ticket under his Master, Mistress,
13 Commander, or Overseers’ hand, the said Ticket specifying the time of his or her return,
14 and no other Negroes except upon necessary business, and then to send a
15 Christian or Negroes’ Overseer along with them with a Tickets as aforesaid upon
16 forfeiting for every Negro so licensed to go abroad 500 bounds of Muscavado sugar,
17 half the said five to the Infernormer and the other half to the public
18 Treasury; And if any Master, Mistress, Commander or Overseer of any plantation
19 shall find any Negro or Negroes at any time in their plantation with out a Ticket
20 and business from his said Master and not apprehend them or endeavor so to do
21 and having apprehended them and shall not punish them by a moderate
22 whipping, shall forfeit 500 pounds of the lige sugar to be disposed of as aforesaid, and said
23 penalty to be recovered before some Justice of the Peace of that precinct
24 where such default sall be made, who is hereby authorized and upon Complaint
25 made to examine upon oath to hear and determine the same and by Warrant
26 under his hand directed to the Constable to cause such penalty to be levied
27 as in case of servants wages is appointed.


EARLY ACCESS: The full law is 16 pages, the following are samples of the first two. Please do not cite or otherwise reproduce without permission.