Lonely? You’re Not Alone

LonelyPartway through her first year in college Emery Bergmann was lonely.

Her dream of the perfect college experience was an illusion. She expected to make close friends quickly and find her place, and that had not happened.

Emery decided to create a video for a class project, and it went viral.

Emery’s a sophomore now and shares wisdom with her first-year self in this article in the New York Times.

One of the biggest takeaways? If you are lonely, you are not alone. 

Not Alone

Bergmann, E. (2017, October 13). My College Transition. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAUcoadqRlE

Bergmann, E. (2018, October 9). Advice from a formerly lonely college student. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/09/well/family/advice-from-a-formerly-lonely-college-student.html 


Find your Quiet Space

Quiet Space

You may have very social roommates. You may not have a lounge on your floor or a very active lounge. You might have folks stopping to play videogames at all hours.

You may just need a change of scenery to keep yourself away from your TV and social life.

There are so many distractions on campus that threaten to keep us from doing our best work. But there are also many places to go to escape the hustle and bustle and focus in on your studies and your wellbeing.

The University created the Quiet Spaces Project to help you find your own quiet places around campus where you can study, meditate, or just relax. Check out some of the suggested locations, and find the places on this busy campus that bring you peace and productivity.

The Quiet Spaces Project: https://www.ugst.umd.edu/quietspaces/

Spotlight on Mental Health Activism

There are so many ways to get involved in the quest for open conversation, equity in access to resources, and destigmatization of mental health. This slideshow gives you a glimpse of some of important work people just like you are doing. Get involved in the organizations they serve or explore the hundreds of others.

Spotlight on Campus Resources

The University of Maryland has so many resources, it can be overwhelming.

Remember, the Residential Case Managers are here for on-campus students, and we would be happy to help you access the best resources for you. We have also prepared this slideshow to review some of the most useful for you.