AppReview Theory

In preparation for setting the AppReview system up for a new program, there are a number of considerations and even decisions that need to be made:

  • Identity of reviewers (for each round) – Administrators will be the individuals responsible for adding reviewers to ‘bundles.’
  • Identity of the ‘head reviewer’ (the chair of the admissions committee or comparable).  This person will be able to view all reviewer comments/reviews.
  • Identity of those who will manage (by program) the review process.  This is the program administrator.
  • Review workflow – the different types rounds, what triggers those rounds (qualifications, faculty of interest, area of interest etc.), and how final decisions are made.
  • Physical appearance/structure of the review/rating ‘sheet’ used by the program. This will be reproduced or made into to an online form.
  • Programmatic data needs – what data elements does the program need to include in the summary section of the review sheet?  In the AppReview export? And in the coordinator/reviewer inbox views?

Other important points:

  • The program coordinator role does have a bit of a learning curve at first, so it is important that coordinators spend some time testing (and making decisions about the structure of the review process) before actual reviews begin.
  • It is important for program coordinators to become familiar with ApplyYourself’s Webcenter. Administrators will need to know the  application’s sections and the data contained within each section.
  • Staff coordinators can use this worksheet to help discuss this entire process with a program’s faculty coordinator.