Health Benefits Open Enrollment

It’s that time of the year again! Open Enrollment for the State Employee and Retiree Health Benefits will take place starting October 11 through 5:00 pm EST November 4, 2022, for the new plan year that begins on January 1, 2023. This is the time that you can enroll for the first time, change plans, add or drop dependents, and re-enroll in flexible spending accounts (FSA). If you are not making changes to your coverage and you do not intend to participate in a flexible spending account (FSA), you do not need to take any action during the Open Enrollment period. Your current coverage will roll over to the new plan year. If you wish to have an FSA in 2023, you must proactively enroll during Open Enrollment each plan year. Reminder: FSA elections do not carry over from year to year. 
Want to Enroll or Make Changes to Your Benefits?
Regular status faculty, staff, graduate assistants, and eligible contractual employees with current coverage who intend to change coverage, add dependents, or re-enroll in an FSA must use the State’s SPS online benefits systemAll Open Enrollment materials are now available on the State of Maryland websiteAdditional open enrollment information will also be made available on the website. You will receive an email from the State’s Shared Services ( on October 11th indicating that an “Open Enrollment Event” has been created, allowing you to log in and begin making plan changes or adding dependents. 
First-time users should follow the Instructions for First Time Users. Instructions for finding your SPS ID/W# and requesting an SPS Workday reset can also be found on this page

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Administrative Leave December 23rd and 24th

In addition to the state holiday granted by Governor Hogan for Thursday, December 24, 2020, on behalf of the Executive Director, Dr. Khademian, I am pleased to inform you that USG campus will be closed on Wednesday December 23, 2020. All regular/contingent II faculty and staff will be on Administrative Leave both December 23 and 24.

Essential staff must follow directions from their supervisor. If required to work, essential employees will receive compensatory time or additional pay for the portion of their regularly scheduled shift that is covered by the campus closure on December 23 and 24, 2020, in addition to their hours worked. This shall be in accordance with the employee’s overtime payment status and relevant personnel policy on work hours and overtime.

Please note that a total of 16 hours of Administrative Leave will be populated on the PHR timesheets and Faculty Leave Records for all full-time regular and contingent II staff and faculty for December 23 and 24, 2020. There may be employees who have previously requested to be on Annual Leave or other paid leave on December 23 and/or 24, 2020. Those employees will not be required to charge the pre-approved leave on those days. If paid leave has already been recorded on the time/leave record, it should be removed and replaced with administrative leave. However, employees who are in an unpaid leave status on the prior scheduled workday are ineligible for to Administrative Leave, pursuant to applicable USM policies.

Any bargaining unit staff member who has a professional development day scheduled on December 23 or 24, 2020, should contact Staff Relations at 301-405-0001 to reschedule. Finally, please note that Thursday, December 24, 2020, will continue to be a State of Maryland payday.

Extension of Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) and Expanded Family Medical Leave (EFML) Benefits

As you may know, the Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) and Expanded Family Medical Leave (EFML) benefits provided for under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) will expire on December 31, 2020. These benefits provide paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave to eligible employees who cannot work or telework as scheduled due to specified reasons related to COVID-19. As a result of the continued impact of COVID-19 in Maryland, the university has decided to extend the deadline to utilize any unused FFCRA leave benefits to June 30, 2021.

This extension will allow eligible employees who have not used these leave benefits or who have not used the maximum allowable amount of EPSL and/or EFML to apply for and use the leave should they need it through June 30, 2021. Please note that this extension does not provide additional paid leave benefits over and above what is currently offered under the FFCRA. In addition, if Congress amends the provisions of the FFCRA prior to June 30, 2021, the university’s extension of the benefit will cease to be effective to the extent that it conflicts with the federal amendment.

If you are currently on EFML and wish to extend your leave into 2021, please send an email to for assistance. For more information on eligibility for and the provisions of EPSL and EFML please visit UHR’s FFCRA page. If you have any questions about the leave benefits, please contact

2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)

At the end of a very challenging year, Governor Hogan announced on December 16, 2020, that regular state employees – including employees of University System of Maryland (USM) institutions will receive a 2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), effective January 01, 2021.

Annual Leave Carry Over

Annual and personal leave are provided to encourage faculty and staff to take time for rest and relaxation, as well as for personal business or emergencies. The pandemic has so significantly altered normal conditions this year that some faculty and staff have not used annual leave at normal rates. These employees may complete the calendar year with leave amounts that would ordinarily be forfeited according to the policies on use of annual leave.
The University encourages employees to use leave in the year it is accrued. We recognize that this is not always possible, especially this year, so HR has been authorized to implement the staff and faculty temporary exception to the annual leave carry-over limit approved by the University System of Maryland Board of Regents (USM). Per the temporary guidance:
  • The exception permits up to 80 hours of leave to be carried over to the next calendar year beyond the standard 400 hours authorized by USM. Under the temporary exception, covered employees may carry over up to 480 hours of accumulated leave in 2020.
  • This applies to each employee’s accrued annual leave balance on January 2, 2021.
  • Staff and 12 month faculty who separate from USM will not be entitled to compensation for any unused portion of the hours of additional annual leave in excess of 400 that were carried over under this exception to current policy.
  • Likewise, any unused portion of the additional 80 hours will not be transferred to a state agency or university outside the USM if an employee transfers to such state agency or university.
  • For faculty members who are paid in whole or in part from contracts or grants, the temporary increase in annual leave carryover will not increase the number of days of unused annual leave for which such employees may be paid upon leaving employment or otherwise becoming eligible for a payout of leave.
  • The 60 days maximum carryover (480 hours) will be prorated for part-time staff and twelve-month faculty working 50% or more.

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Midway PRD

It is that time of the year! PRD stands for Performance Review and Development. The PRD process is the performance review process used at USG and UMCP for regular and CII staff. We are now at the Midway point of the Performance Review and Development Cycle. The initial expectation meeting should have been conducted in Spring of 2020 (or ASAP for employees hired later in the year).

Performance Evaluation Cycle
The PRD process is a great opportunity to review job description, clarify expectations, and improve communication. Plan to schedule a meeting with your manager this month to complete your midway PRD. No forms are due to the Office of Human Resources (OHR) at this time but you should record the date of the meeting on the PRD form that will be submitted in Spring of 2021. In preparation for mid-year reviews, self-study training information on the PRD process as well as a supervisor supplemental module can be found on the PRD 101 Learning Path.

Talent Share Program

As a result of our changing work environment, some departments are experiencing an increased workload while others may have employees with increased availability. To help bridge that gap, University Human Resources (UHR) has created a Talent Share Program to support departments in need by connecting the department with campus employees who have the availability and the desire to help in other areas that need temporary support. This program is being offered to assist units in meeting operational demands by providing temporary resources, allowing employees to work in diverse areas.


  • Participating employees have the opportunity to share their skills through a temporary assignment
  • Employees will remain on their regular appointment in their home department,  in their same title and pay. This program is not intended to result in any type of salary increase.
  • The employee should not exceed working a total of  40 hours in the workweek.  Temporary assignments should not result in putting the employee into an overtime status.
  • Performance of the temporary assignment will not be included as part of the PRD process
  • Department who have a need for temporary assistance will complete the Talent Share Request Form
  • Supervisors should discuss with employees who have the availability and desire to temporarily help in other units and complete a Talent Share Interest Form
  • The UHR Administrator will match the two needs based on skills and availability, reach out to all parties involved, and monitor the assignment

2021 Open Enrollment

It’s that time of year again and we are looking forward to Open Enrollment. In keeping with what has become a “virtual year” – Open Enrollment will follow suit. This year Open Enrollment will take place from October 19 through November 13, 2020.

What can you do to prepare?

  • Complete the new SPS (Workday) Login process. You can access the instructions here.
  • WD# or SPS ID (Workday Number for Health Benefits) – they are the same # and can be found in the top right hand section of your time record or your pay advice.
  • Temporary Password Instructions – When setting up a new password, employees must first use a password consisting of: Capital first letter of your first name + Lower case first letter of your last name + 4 digit birth year + Last 4 digits of social security number + $ (include the dollar sign) Example: For employee John Smith, birth year 1960, last 4 digits of his SSN 8567. Temporary Password for John Smith is: Js19608567$ (You will use your information to create your own temporary password)
  • Review the Open Enrollment material on UHR Website, attend the webinars and view the videos to make informed health benefit decisions.
  • Changes and new rates go into effect January 01, 2021
  • If you are not making any changes to your plan, you are not required to take any action.

Volunteer for State of Maryland “Day to Serve”

As an expression of the university’s service mission, President Pines encourages us all to help our communities by participating in the Day to Serve initiative declared by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan. The Day to Serve Program encourages all Marylander’s to choose at least one day between September 11 and October 31 to participate in or host a volunteer activity. This initiative unites citizens in volunteer efforts and recognizes the exceptional community service that occurs year-round in the State of Maryland. In response to this year’s public health challenges, for the first time, opportunities to volunteer will be available both in person and remotely.

Service Leave/Eligibility

  • All regular and CII faculty, exempt and non-exempt staff are eligible to participate upon supervisor approval.
  • You may receive up to four hours of paid administrative leave to perform qualifying volunteer service during normal working hours. The leave must be pre-approved by your supervisor and scheduled at a time when it will not interfere with essential functions of your unit or department.
  • The volunteer service must be performed in conjunction with an organization that has a valid 501 (c)(3) designation from the Internal Revenue Service
  • Under state law, the volunteer service must not attempt to promote religious beliefs nor influence legislation, governmental policy, or elections to public office.
  • A participating employee may not receive any direct benefits or compensation for their service.
  • Time spent commuting to and from the volunteer service site and time the employee volunteers after regularly scheduled work hours do not qualify for this program.

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Fall 2020 Tuition Remission Guidelines

The Department of University Human Resources (UHR) Office of Employee Benefits is accepting tuition remission applications for Fall 2020 as of July 7, 2020.

Employee Tuition Remission

Faculty and staff employees must use the new University System (USM) of Maryland Tuition Remission Application Portal to apply for tuition remission at all USM institutions for themselves and their eligible spouses and dependents. Paper tuition request forms will no longer be accepted, except for those attending Baltimore City Community College (BCCC), Morgan State University, and St. Mary’s College of Maryland.  Paper forms will still be required for these institutions and all retirees must use the paper form.

Employees must have an active, approved appointment in PHR with a start date no later than August 26, 2020 for Fall semesnter in order for the employee to be eligible for tuition remission.

  • Full-Time Employees (100%): Eight total credit hours for Fall 2020.
  • Regular Status Part-Time Employees (50% or more): Credit hours are prorated according to FTE.

The approved applications must be submitted through the USM Portal by September 14, 2020 for Fall 2020. Applications received after the deadline will not be processed.

For more information on dependent eligibility, payment due dates, and more general information, please read the guidelines: Tuition Remission Letter Fall 2020.