It is easy to request your own WordPress blog and have it up and running quickly. Here are the steps to get started:
- Request a blog
- Select “Request a WordPress Blog” from the top navigation bar.
- Fill out all of the fields.
- Click the “Submit” button when you are done.
If you have questions call the IT Service Desk at 301-405-1500 or email
- Request a blog
- Logging in
The control panel of your WordPress blog is called a “Dashboard”. From the Dashboard you can change the theme, manage users, view statistics, and more. To gain access to the Dashboard:-
- Go to the following url:
- Login to CAS with your UMD directory ID and password.
- In the upper left corner of your Profile Page, click on the “My Sites” link to get a drop-down box with a list of all of the sites that allow you some level of access to their dashboard.
- Hover over the site you wish to access for a drop-down list of features to select. Select “Dashboard”.
- You will now see the word “Dashboard” on the main page and the navigation bar to the left.
- Create and Publish a Page
Blogs are composed of two main structures – pages and posts. Pages are the information that does not change frequently, such as an “About” page, Guidelines for Posting, and Contact pages. They provide the structure for the blog.-
- From the Dashboard left navigation, select “Pages”.
- Select “Add New” from the list of options.
- This brings up the template to create a new page. Add a title and content in the editing box.
- When you have finished, click the blue “Publish” button in the box to the right. It is helpful to save and preview as you create a page.
- Logging in
- Create and Publish a Post
Posts are the main information that you update frequently. In a class, this might be a daily assignment, progress on a project, or weekly experiment results.- From the Dashboard left navigation, select “Posts”.
- Select “Add New” from the list.
- This brings up the template to create a new post. Add a title and content in the editing box.
- When you have finished, click the blue “Publish” button in the box to the right. It is helpful to save and preview as you create a post.
- Add Users
- From the Dashboard left navigation, select “Users”.
- From the drop-down list, select “Blog & User Creator”.
- To add a user with a UMD directory ID, select “Add Existing Users” from the top tab.
- Enter the UMD email of a new user for this blog.
- Assign the user a role from the drop-down list under their email.
- Repeat until you have added all of the users for the blog; there is a button at the bottom to add more users.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue submit button.
- Logging outWhen you have finished managing your blog, don’t forget to logout. This keeps your blog, its content, and users secure. The logout button is in the upper right corner of the blog. Click on your name, to view the Log Out option. Click on that link.