Nathan Kleczewski, Extension Field Crop Plant Pathologist, University of Delaware
Rain has pushed a large portion of the region into a severe level of risk for FHB if that wheat is currently flowering. Most of the wheat in S Delaware and S Maryland likely started to flower late last week and is at elevated risk for FHB, especially if a suceptible variety was planted. Growers with wheat flowering at this time are advised to make an application of a FHB fungicide (Caramba, Prosaro, Proline). Applications are most efficacious when applications occur from the start of flowering, through p days from the start of flowering. Apply in 5 gal/A air and 15 gal/A by ground, 300-350 um droplet size, with nozzles at least angled forwards 30 degrees. Wheat not yet flowering is not at risk. Continue to check your wheat and this page for updates.