Registration for the 2017 Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School will open September 1st. Below is a listing of the expected talks for each day. The school offers a 2 ½-day format with a variety of breakout sessions. Individuals needing training in soil and water, nutrient management, crop management and pest management can create their own schedule by choosing from 5 program options offered each hour. Emphasis is placed on new and advanced information with group discussion and interaction encouraged.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
- Managing Wheat for Profit
- Filtering the Kool-Aid
- Unmanned Aircraft: Updates on Rules and Research
- Biochar: A Useful Soil Amendment
- Soil Salinity in the Mid-Atlantic: Origins and Management
- The NutrientStar Program
- Phosphorus Removal Structures
- Western Lake Erie Basin: A Perfect Storm
- Fluidized Bed Technology and Poultry Litter
- Insect Pest Management for Vegetable Crops
- Integrating Dicamba into Soybean Production
- Controlling Row Crop Insect Pests and Resistance Monitoring
- Crop Budgets and More
- Determining the Highest Economic Yields
- How Strategic Cover Cropping Pays
Wednesday November 15, 2017
- A Potpourri of Corn Field Problems
- Agronomic Practices for Profitable Soybeans
- Wide-Row Wheat Production Practices
- Improving the Winter Wheat DC Soybean System
- Soil Acidity and AgLime
- Phosphorus in Soils and Manure
- Hay and Pasture Nutrient Management
- Capturing Nutrients with Cover Crops
- Conservation Drainage
- Saltwater Intrusion and Legacy Nutrient Release
- Floodplain Reconnection on the Pocomoke River
- Ethics for the Certified Crop Advisor
- Insect Pest Management in Organic Crops
- Herbicide Performance: Beyond the Jug
- Identification and Management of Soybean Stem Diseases
- Diagnosis and Management of Brassica Diseases
- Profitability of Foliar Fungicides on Winter Wheat
- Using Vegetable Crop Budgets for Management Decisions
- Cost/Benefits of IPM in Commercial Horticulture
- Valuing Compost Agronomic and Horticulture Applications
Thursday November 16, 2017
- The Role of Plant Growth Regulators in Winter Wheat
- Mid-Atlantic Rapeseed Production
- Soil Fertility Trends in the Mid-Atlantic
- Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizers
- Silage Leachate Collection and Treatment
- Soil Compaction
- Improving Water Quality through Partnerships
- Adapting for Climate Change for Soil and Water
- What is the True Value of P Additions in High P Soils
- Costs and Benefits of Irrigation in Field Crops