The cool weather this year has led to a little slower than usual progress of
wheat. In the Southern part of MD, wheat has booted, and should be heading
out soon. In the north wheat is at second node and flag leaf stag,
predictably around 2-3 weeks away from flowering. We are lucky so far for
not having any major disease incidence, except for a few powdery mildew
specks, which will go off soon due to the dry weather conditions forecast
for this week. Currently the FHB risk is low in the state. However, the
growers are advised to keep an eye on the FHB forecasts in the coming weeks
as wheat will enter flowering, the most vulnerable stage for scab.
–Nidhi Rawat, Small grains Pathologist, University of Maryland
For more details, go to the FHB Risk assessment tool at
For the latest news and updates from the U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab
Initiative, go to