A reminder brought to you by the UMD Agricultural Nutrient Management Program
David Ruppert, Program Coordinator; Emileigh Lucas, Nutrient Management Specialist; Brian Kalmbach, Nutrient Management Specialist; Trish Steinhilber, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management Specialist
With preparation, it’s easy to be in compliance with Maryland’s Nutrient Management Law.
Producers need a plan if:
- grossing $2,500 income or have greater than 8,000 lbs. live animal weight,
- their previous plan is expired, or
- subjects under “Plan Update Requirements” (e.g. planned crop, nutrient sources, acreage managed, number of animals) have changed.
Why should you start now?
- UME Advisors are currently more available to write plans; wait too long (e.g. January) and you might have to resort to a private planner
- Fall 2018 soil and manure analyses are good for the 2019 growing season.
- Guarantee you have a plan in hand before you apply nutrients, complying with MDA regulations.
What information do you need to provide?
- Planned crops for 2019
- Crops planted in 2018
- Soil tests (to be updated at least every 3 years)
- Manure analysis (to be updated at least yearly)
- Animal production information
- Yield records
- Maps of any new farms/fields
- Operations with perennial fruits and fields requiring phosphorus risk assessment may require additional information and data collection. Individual advisors can advise in more detail what information is needed.
Who can write a Nutrient Management Plan?
- A certified Nutrient Management Consultant from your county extension office, or a private planner listed on MDA’s website: https://mda.maryland.gov/resource_conservation/counties/NM_CONSULTANT_FOR_HIRE_DIRECTORY_2018.pdf
- Operators can become certified to write their own nutrient management plan for their operation.
- See the following links (updated continuously) for training and certification information; several trainings will be offered over the winter at multiple locations
- http://mda.maryland.gov/resource_conservation/Pages/nutrient_management_training_program.aspx
- the ‘Event Calendar’ on the right side of https://extension.umd.edu/anmp