Looking for a lawyer or insurance agent? Here are two lists that can help you find one who understands farms.

Neith Little Urban Agriculture Extension Agent
University of Maryland Extension, Baltimore City

First, read enough to know what questions to ask.

The UMD Agriculture Law Education Initiative is a great place to start learning about legal issues that might affect your farm: http://umaglaw.org/
In particular, I’ve found helpful their articles on farm business structures, labor laws, and liability.  The Maryland Insurance Agency also has a helpful guide to farm insurance, including the difference between crop insurance and liability insurance.

But once you know enough to know you need a lawyer or insurance policy, how do you find professional help that has experience with farms? Referrals from another farmer are great, but if you need to widen your search here are two lists that can help.

Lawyers who practice agricultural law:

The Maryland State Bar Association is the professional association for lawyers in Maryland. They keep a list of their members who practice agricultural law.

Insurance companies who work with farms:

The Maryland Insurance Agency is the consumer protection agency that regulates insurance companies in Maryland. As mentioned above, they have some helpful educational articles and guides. They also publish a list of companies who offer farm-related insurance in Maryland.

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