Emily Zobel, Agriculture Agent Associate
University of Maryland Extension, Dorchester County
Soybean: Late double-crop soybean fields that are next to corn may still be at risk for defoliation and stink bug. The thresholds for stink bugs through R6 are 5 bugs per 15 sweeps, and defoliation in R6 needs to be approaching 20% before treatment is advised.
Wheat: The Hessian fly is not a significant pest in the Mid-Atlantic States because small grains usually are planted after the adult “fly-safe” date. If planting early, consider planting a resistant variety, since there is no insecticidal control that can be applied once the field becomes infested. The “fly-safe” date for areas across Maryland is the following: September 30 for the Mountain region, the first week in October for the Piedmont region, and the second week in October for the coastal plains.
Spotted Lanternfly adults are out and are laying eggs. If you are moving equipment in and out of quarantine areas, please check equipment for this invasive insect to reduce the spread. While it has been found in corn, soybean, and alfalfa, it is not considered a pest on these crops. However, their feeding has been harmful to grapes, hops, and tree fruits. If you observe any egg masses or insects which look similar to this, please try to collect them, and inform the Maryland Department of Agriculture at (410) 841-5920 or DontBug.MD@maryland.govĀ as soon as possible. For more information about spotted lanternfly can found on the MDA website.