Alyssa Koehler, Extension Field Crops Pathologist
University of Delaware
Carvel Research and Education Center Georgetown, DE
2020 Soybean Foliar Fungicide Trial
Variety: CZ 3930GTLL treated with Poncho/VoTiVo + Ilevo | Planting Date: 5/11/20
Plant Population: 150,000 sd/a | Harvest Date: 10/22/20
Treatmentz | % Green Stems at Harvesty | Test Weight | Moisture | Yieldx | Avg. Purple Seed Stainw | Avg. Diaporthe/Phomopsis Seed Decayv |
Control | 6.2 a | 55.0 a | 15.8 a | 67.2 ab | 2.4 ab | 1.2 a |
Revytek (R3)
8 oz/a |
8.3 a | 55.4 a | 15.6 a | 69.7 ab | 1.6 ab | 0.4 a |
Priaxor (R3)
4 oz/a |
4.9 a | 55.5 a | 15.6 a | 65.4 b | 0.8 ab | 0.6 a |
Veltyma (R3)
7 oz/a |
10.0 a | 55.2 a | 15.6 a | 75.7 ab | 1.8 ab | 1.0 a |
USF0411 (R3)
8 oz/a |
6.2 a | 55.3 a | 15.5 a | 68.8 ab | 1.6 ab | 0.6 a |
Delaro (R3)
8 oz/a |
8.5 a | 55.2 a | 15.5 a | 78.7 a | 1.0 ab | 0.8 a |
Topguard EQ (R3)
5 oz/a |
6.2 a | 55.1 a | 15.8 a | 68.2 ab | 1.8 ab | 0.6 a |
Lucento (R3)
5 oz/a |
7.1 a | 54.9 a | 15.6 a | 71.5 ab | 1.8 ab | 1.2 a |
Miravis Neo (R3)
13.7 oz/a |
4.4 a | 55.5 a | 15.2 a | 71.2 ab | 0.6 b | 1.0 a |
Miravis Top (R3)
13.7 oz/a |
5.8 a | 55.5 a | 15.2 a | 71.0 ab | 1.0 ab | 0.6 a |
Quadris Top SBX (R3) 8 oz/a | 8.7 a | 55.5 a | 15.3 a | 74.9 ab | 0.6 b | 0.6 a |
Miravis Neo (R5)
13.7 oz/a |
6.9 a | 55.1 a | 15.4 a | 71.9 ab | 3.0 a | 1.0 a |
Miravis Top (R5)
13.7 oz/a |
7.0 a | 55.0 a | 15.4 a | 70.7 ab | 0.8 ab | 0.4 a |
Miravis Neo (R3) fb Trivapro (R5)
13.7 + 13.7 oz/a |
7.4 a | 55.3 a | 15.6 a | 66.3 ab | 0.8 ab | 0.4 a |
p-value | 0.184 | 0.141 | 0.30 | 0.04 | 0.017 | 0.844 |
LSD (α=0.05) | 3.654 | 0.452 | 0.491 | 7.52 | 1.35 | 1.05 |
zR3 treatments applied 7/30/20, R5 8/12/20 using a Co2 pressurized backpack sprayer equipped with extended range 8002VS flat fan nozzles calibrated to deliver 20 GPA at 40 psi. Plots were set up in a randomized complete block design with five replications. All treatments included 0.125% non-ionic surfactant, Induce.
y Percent of green stems out of total stems in rows 2 and 3 of each plot the day of harvest. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different based on Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD; α=0.05).
x Yield was calculated from the center two rows of each plot and adjusted to 13% moisture.
w Avg. number of seeds in 10g subsample from each plot with purple discoloration.
v Avg. number of seeds in 10g subsample from each plot with white/chalky appearance.