Shannon Dill, Principal Agriculture Agent
University of Maryland Extension, Talbot County
Attention Custom Rate Operators or those who use custom farming services!
We need your assistance in securing up-to-date information about farm custom work rates, machinery rental rates and hired labor costs in Maryland. This information is being updated and published by the University of Maryland Extension. It is widely used by farmers across the state, so we need the best information available.
Please respond even if you know only a few rates. We want information on actual rates, either what you PAID TO HIRE work or what you CHARGED TO PERFORM custom work. Custom Rates should include all ownership costs of implement & tractor (if needed), operator labor, fuel and lube.
Reported rates will be summarized in the Custom Rate Survey to show a range and averages for the state. NO individual names or rates will be published in the Custom Rate Survey.
You can complete this survey online at:
The results will be available online at