Training Series: Write Your Own Nutrient Management Plan

The Farmer Training and Certification Online workshop provides an opportunity for producers with cropland and pastures who use commercial fertilizer and/or manure to learn how to write nutrient management plans (NMP) for their operation that meet Maryland Department of Agriculture’s regulations.

The online nature of this course offering requires individual learning within an online learning platform. Participants are expected to have the necessary computer skills, outlined below, to successfully complete the online course with minimal computer technical assistance.

The course requires a minimum time commitment of 15-20 hours of individual online learning over 5 weeks. Those with larger, more complicated farm operations and those with cropland or pastures with high phosphorus soil test levels may require additional training and a larger time commitment.

Before registering, ensure you have the required materials and skills to successfully complete this course (this course is not designed or intended for those with basic computer skills only): Required Materials/Technology: Required Skills

  • Reliable internet connection
  • Email address
  • Computer with Windows 7 or later (NuMan Pro software is not compatible with Mac)
  • Printer
  • Microsoft Word and Excel
  • PDF reader software (Adobe acrobat or similar)
  • Intermediate computer skills including: Familiarity with web browsing, Experience with MS Office programs (Word, Excel), PDF readers (Adobe Acrobat or similar), Ability to download/open/save/retrieve computer files, Ability to learn a new software program (NuMan Pro)

You will receive:

  • Access to the Online Course – This online course is administered via the University of Maryland’s Enterprise Learning Management Systems (ELMS-Canvas).
  • A comprehensive training binder (electronic version) – The training binder will consist of all materials referenced throughout the course, compiled in one document. The binder materials will be used during the class, serve as a reference during the exam, and as a valuable resource when you write future NMPs for your farm operation.
  • NuMan Pro software – The NuMan Pro software is needed to develop your NMP. The software will be provided to participants at a discounted price, outlined below.
  • Certification – Producers who pass the exam and complete development of their NMP will be certified by MDA to write their own NMPs.
  • Voucher training credits – This class will fulfill the nutrient applicator voucher training requirements.
    Cost and Registration Information

Space is limited therefore, register early. Registration will close on March 5 or when capacity is reached. Cost for the course includes a $25 NuMan Pro license fee (to be paid directly to UMD following registration) and a $20 exam fee (to be paid directly to MDA following registration).

To register for the Winter 2021 FTC Online offering (March 15 – April 16, see course outline below), go to


Week 1  Online Modules 1 and 2  Online Office Hours offered: 3/18/2021, 4-5pm 

 3/19/2021, 11am-12pm

Week 2  Online Modules 3 and 4  Online Office Hours offered: 3/25/2021, 4-5pm 

 3/26/2021, 11am-12pm

Week 3  Online Modules 5 and 6  Online Office Hours offered: 4/1/2021, 4-5pm 

 4/2/2021, 11am-12pm

Week 4  Online Modules 7 and 8  Online Office Hours offered: 4/8/2021, 4-5pm 

 4/9/2021, 11am-12pm

Week 5  Certification Exam 

NMP Submission

Online Certification Exam: 4/12/2021, 10am-12pm NMP Submitted to MDA by: 4/16/2021, 5pm


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