Agriculture and Food Systems (AgFS) Extension is pleased to welcome Jarette Hurry to the team. Jarette is the new Frederick County AgFS Extension Educator and the AgFS team looks forward to working alongside him to provide research-based educational programming to benefit current and aspiring Maryland farmers.
Jarette completed his B.S. in Earth and Environmental Science at North Carolina A&T. He is working on a M.S. in Crop Science at North Carolina State and expects to graduate later this year. He devoted time to researching the management of winter annual weeds in cotton using pre-plant burn down applications, as well as the efficacy of soybean fungicide seed treatments.
Previously Jarette worked as an agriculture agent for North Carolina Cooperative Extension where he specialized in field and horticulture crops. In addition, he served part-time as a Bertie Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor for the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. In these positions, he served the people of Bertie County by helping clients transition to sustainable production practices and advising growers on improving nutrient management and stewardship. Prior to these roles, he held a variety of internship positions related to agriculture.
Along with his wealth of field experience, Jarette possesses an aptitude for leadership and community involvement. Before arriving in Maryland, he left a positive impact on Bertie County by serving as an Honorary Board Member of the Farm Bureau, as well as volunteering at the nearby Windsor Fire Department. Jaretteās appreciation for community will make him an important asset to the Extension.
University of Maryland Extension is fortunate to have Jarette on the team and his expertise will benefit Frederick County and Maryland for years to come. Please give Jarette a warm welcome.