Maryland Regional Crop Reports: September 2021

Crop reports are for conditions up to September 2, 2021.

Western Maryland

Welcome rains have come to the area. Too late for some crops but late beans, hay, and fall crops will enjoy the drink. Corn silage harvest has been going on since early August with some of the crop drought-stressed in some areas of the county. Rain patterns all summer were scattered and erratic. At this writing, the remnants of Ida are replenishing soil moisture.—Jeff Semler, Washington Co.

Central Maryland

As I’m writing this, Ida is giving us what might be the first county-wide rainfall; most rainfall to date has been scattered across the region, leaving parts of the area drier than others. Our usual soybean insect pests are munching away in soybean fields; however, soybeans can withstand a fair amount of leaf defoliation before a spray threshold is reached. Scout fields for leaf defoliation and/or pod damage in order to determine if the threshold has been reached. Traps for fall armyworm and western bean cutworm near Poolesville have remained empty. Recent rainfall has greatly improved double crop beans and brought a lot of drought and heat stress corn back around just in time for grain fill. Folks were really starting to get going with corn silage harvest before the Tropical storm shut them down. I’ve heard from some Extension colleagues a little further south and they are experiencing the largest infestation of armyworms in years. I received a report of one field of Teff grass being severely defoliated by armyworms just this week. Although we aren’t capturing many in traps we should keep an eye out for this destructive pest.—Kelly Nichols, Montgomery Co. & Jarette Hurry, Frederick Co.

Northern Maryland

The past 2-3 weeks have been very hot and humid and has really driven accelerated maturity of corn and soybeans, especially in pockets of the region that did not receive as much rain over the summer and on lighter soils; I think it’s likely taken some yield off the top of the corn crop and some soybeans. Double crop soybeans have put on a lot of growth and are looking good; hopefully the September weather will favor good pod fill. Corn silage harvest started about two weeks ago. The heat stress has also brought out a lot of symptoms related to stem diseases in soybean, as well as fall armyworm in hay fields (and lawns). Corn for grain is nearly all dented and the earliest at black layer. With the recent heat, corn grain harvest should start in a couple weeks.—Andy Kness, Harford Co.

Upper & Mid Shore

Soil moisture is adequate in most areas and surplus in a few areas. Corn harvest will begin next week. Cover crop seeding is well underway and the early seeded cover crops are off to a great start. Most farmers are anxious to get combines moving as the crop looks good. Soybeans are tall and filling out well. There are areas of sudden death syndrome showing up in many fields as would be expected with recent weather patterns. Hay fields still look good, but we have not been blessed with good haymaking conditions.—Jim Lewis, Caroline Co.

Lower Shore

Corn is looking good and approaching black layer. Soybean looks great and pods are beginning to fill. We have had adequate rain in most places, even while storms have been somewhat sporadic. Herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth is apparent in many fields. Now is the time to walk the fields to pull mature Palmer plants. There have been no reports of major insect pest or disease outbreaks in grain crops. It’s looking like it will be a strong yield for grain yields.—Sarah Hirsh, Somerset Co.

Southern Maryland

The region has received widespread rains in the last three weeks. Corn is in grain fill stages with earliest field’s ready for harvest any day now. Yields are expected to be good to very good. Rains helped soybean condition as well. Double crop beans have really responded well with excellent growth. Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is now evident, with patches showing up mainly in full season beans. We are also seeing Phytophthora crown and root rot show up in fields. Insect and mite pressure remains low. Palmer amaranth, common waterhemp and common ragweed escapes are clearly visible now with seed heads waving from above the plant canopy. Annual grass hay is being cut for the second time. Cool season grass is beginning to respond to the moisture with growth resuming.—Ben Beale, St. Mary’s Co.

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