Maryland Regional Crop Reports: October 2021

Crop reports are for conditions up to October 8, 2021.

Western Maryland

The weather has remained kind to us here in Washington County. We have had welcome rains that have been gentle in their nature. Soil moisture is at its optimum for fall planting. Early soybeans and corn harvest has begun, yields have yet to be reported. Most corn silage has been harvested and planting of winter annuals has begun. Additionally, wheat seeding will soon commence.  —Jeff Semler, Washington Co.

Central Maryland

As I write this, it is lightly raining here at the Montgomery County Extension Office. Corn grain harvest is in full swing. I have not seen any soybean fields come off yet. Corn yields have varied depending on location and summer rainfall, but have overall been close to or slightly above average.—Kelly Nichols

Northern Maryland

Conditions have been ideal for corn harvest. Corn harvest started around the second week of September and is now in full swing. Yields are variable but most fields are running average to above average. A few acres of early soybeans have been harvested; double crop soybeans continue to look very strong. We’ve had good soil conditions for cover crop, small grain, and pasture seeding.—Andy Kness, Harford Co.

Upper & Mid Shore

Corn and soybean harvest is moving along smoothly, with the exception of lines at the granaries. It takes time to deliver high yields to market. We are setting records in both bean and corn yields. Farmers are reporting yields that they have never seen before! Soil moisture is adequate throughout the region with the few dry and wet spots. Cover crops are off to a great start. Troublesome weeds like glyphosate-resistant common ragweed and palmer amaranth are really showing up as beans are drying and the weeds are still green. Remember those fields for next year.—Jim Lewis, Caroline Co.

Lower Shore

The harvest season is progressing with no major problems. Corn is approximately 60% harvested. Soybean is drying down and ready to start harvest within the next week if the weather cooperates. Wheat and barley planting will begin soon. However, the ground is harder than desired at the moment due to lack of rain. Cover crop planting is going well; we have had significant acreage aerially seeded and ground planting has begun.—Sarah Hirsh, Somerset Co.

Southern Maryland

Conditions have been favorable for good progress on corn harvest. Yields are very good to excellent in most areas. Full season soybeans are mature and drying down. Some farmers started harvesting early-planted full season beans last week. Double crop soybeans are also looking very good. Vegetable harvest is winding up. The pumpkin and cucurbit crop is coming off now, with a decent pumpkin harvest this year. We did receive a report of alfalfa with second infestation of fall armyworm, assuming the next generation is now active.—Ben Beale, St. Mary’s Co.


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