Earn a gift card by telling us about your thoughts on nitrogen management in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

What are your thoughts on nitrogen management in the Chesapeake Bay watershed? What can we do to reduce nitrogen pollution in the Bay while meeting the demands for nutritious food and economic development? Your thoughts are very important for us to identify barriers and opportunities for improving the Bay’s health! Thanks to our farmers, we have made progress in reducing nitrogen pollution reaching the Bay in the past few decades, but there is still more work to do.

If you live/work in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and are over 18 years old, we would like to invite you to take a quick online survey (password: cafe2021) to share your thoughts. Our research team at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science developed this project to help understand and increase the region’s capacity to efficiently and profitably manage nitrogen across the food system, from crop and animal production, to distribution, to consumer waste treatment! Reducing nutrient loss depends on all parts of the food system, and participation of all different stakeholders like you!

This survey will take about 20 minutes. We will email the first 100 participants a $20 e-gift card. This survey is part of an NSF-funded project and it is approved by the University of Maryland Institutional Review Board ([1864028-3]. Sustainable nitrogen management across spatial and system scales). Please find more details about the project in the document attached. Any questions, please let us know. You can contact us via this email cafesurveys@umces.edu. Thank you in advance for your contribution to the research project and the Bay’s health!

Best regards,
The CAFE Team
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

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