Luke Macaulay, Wildlife Management Specialist |
University of Maryland Extension
Please save the date of July 20, 2023, from 9am-2pm, for a symposium titled “Public Land & Private Partnerships for Early Succession Habitat.”
Dramatic declines in pollinators and grassland and shrub-dependent birds like bobwhite quail, meadowlarks, and more highlight the need for habitat improvement efforts on a broad scale. Our vision is for this meeting to provide education, networking, and inspiration to facilitate habitat improvement efforts across the region.
Confirmed speakers include Secretary Kurtz of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Director Pat Emory of the Delaware Fish& Wildlife Division, Dan Murphy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and speakers from Washington College, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, private landowners and more.
Register now at Please share with other landowners and land managers interested in the topic.
The event will be held at the National Wildlife Visitor Center in Laurel, Maryland. A list of speakers and the agenda will be forthcoming.
This event is being organized by Eddie Beck, Chapter Volunteer & President of the Chesapeake Bay Chapter Quail Forever, and Luke Macaulay, Wildlife Management Specialist with the University of Maryland Extension.