2024 Soybean & Corn Pest Management Survey

Farmers and crop consultants are encouraged to complete this survey

This survey is intended to estimate the impact of pests on soybeans and currently used management strategies. Your perspective is valuable in making these estimates as accurate as possible. Your responses will be kept confidential and only aggregated responses for the state will be published. You can find last year’s estimates at https://midsouthentomologist.org.msstate.edu/Volume17/Vol-17-1_TOC.html.

The survey can be completed online at https://delaware.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8GnhiHa4rn9ToPP or by following the QR code. If you have any questions, please contact us by email or phone. We look forward to hearing from you.

Local Contact: David Owens, University of Delaware     

Email:            owensd@udel.edu                  bcsam@udel.edu        

Phone:            C: (302) 698-7125        

Local Contact: Kelly Hamby, University of Maryland

Email:       kahamby@umd.edu

Phone:      C: (925) 354 0483

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