Jeff Semler, Principal Agriculture Agent
University of Maryland Extension, Washington County
Each year, someone, somewhere, ends the growing season short on forage. There are many more this year. For much of our area, dry conditions are continuing as the jet stream tends to not move for extended periods during the present solar minimum we are experiencing. One area gets dumped on while the other goes begging for water. This has impacted the second (and some areas the first) cutting. Hay crop yields are reported to be down 30 to 40%. The extended days with temperature over 85 F can decrease corn silage yields as corn stops growing above that and we have had many days that fit that picture. Added to it the dry conditions and the potential is for corn yields both be down and later maturity as the corn stopped growing for extended days this summer. It is nearly the beginning of September, and you need to identify how much feed you need and what will supply that. There are still a few options open for last chance forage this year. There are also steps you can take this fall to get very early forage next spring when you run out of haylage.
If you are looking for high-quality dairy forage, no mechanically harvested crop will produce as much and as high a quality as late summer planted spring oats. Because of the increasingly cool fall temperatures, the forage quality is incredibly high (higher than forage oats in the spring). You may want plant later to wait for the cooler nights to reduce the aphid population which can bring in in Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. Aphids can infect the plant with BYDV in less than 30 minutes. If you are planting early or on time, it is recommended using a neonic seed treatment as they are effective in limiting aphid feeding, based on research from the Cornell IPM coordinator. A moist fall can hammer this excellent plan by a major outbreak of rust. It could reduce quality and yield. Normally it starts to show a week or so before harvest. If scouting finds it, a highly suggested practice is to apply a fungicide to the oats when they are starting stem elongation. If you have a cereal leaf beetle outbreak an insecticide can be applied at the same time as the fungicide. Both are low cost assurance of top forage yield.
It is suggested 3 bu/acre of oats. Klicer’s research found NO yield increase from increased fall oat seeding rate. If you use grain type oats, remember it will go through its life cycle quicker and so be ready to plan your timing to dry it for silage. If you are not going to be able to plant until later or have to harvest or graze later, then the slower forage oat type would be the better recommendation based on Ohio State research. Be liberal with the preplant manure but within your Nutrient Management Plan recommendations. In a 2010 study, Cornell studies had a relatively low yield of 2 tons DM/acre due to extremely dry weather. Despite the low yields, over 120 lbs of nitrogen/acre was removed as protein. *NOTE: If you applied manure don’t feed this to dry cows because of high potassium.
For high producing dairy cows, mow as soon as the flag leaf is out, or early boot. Even early boot is still very good forage. The reason for this is because of the very cool night temperatures inhibit respiration of the most digestible parts, and they accumulate in the plant. As soon as it hits flag leaf, mow wide swath. You are trying to dry something that can yield 2 – 3 times more tons of dry matter than a heavy alfalfa first cutting, compounded by cooler temperatures and much less intensity and hours of sunlight. Even with wide swath, the high yield sheer mass will allow only the top to dry. As soon as the top has a light grey cast (pick up a surface plant and see if it is greener underneath) tedd to get the lower layers spread and drying. Watch forward speed so you don’t make tedder lumps. It is critical that it be ensiled the same day you mow because of the very high sugar levels (exception to rule: if it goes into the 30’s F at night it stops respiration and sugar loss and you can go to the next day). Leaving it overnight in warmer temperatures burns off the sugars and produces higher populations of Clostridia and higher levels of butyric acid. With same-day haylage, these are reduced or eliminated even at higher moisture conditions. On the flip side, the very high sugar levels, if preserved until you ensile the crop; will speed the process and produce an excellent fermented forage if inoculated.
Fall Spring Oats plus Winter Triticale. This is a triple crop system where oats and winter triticale (100 lbs. oats/acre with 80 lbs. of triticale/acre) are planted after corn silage harvest or in fallow wheat ground. After the oat harvest, the triticale continued to grow and produced an excellent forage the next year. It is CRITICAL that you mow the oats with the cutter bar set at a minimum of 4 inches. Where 4 inches or more is left, the triticale thrived. Where mowed less than 3.5 inches the triticale died. Target flag leaf oat harvest to maximize triticale fall regrowth. Fertilize the triticale as normal the next spring and had an excellent harvest. This can give you two very high-quality forage crops in one planting.
Last Chance Forage: If it rains, cool-season grasses put on a burst of growth in late August, September, and early October. Feeding the crop with nitrogen and sulfur can give you some very high-quality forage for your dairy herd. It will be wet so chop it ¾ to 1 inch long to reduce leachate. As with the oats above, use a homolactic inoculant and ensile it the same day it is mowed (unless temperatures drop to the 30’s at night). Remember to cut grass at 4-inch cutting height to maintain the stand.
First Chance for Very High-Quality Forage Next Year. Now is the time to get seed for winter forage. This will be the earliest highest quality forage you can get into your cows next spring. Fermented energy levels are equal to corn silage, protein (with sulfur fertilization) can equal good alfalfa. Both rye and winter triticale could be used to produce winter forage. Winter triticale is preferred as it is 35% higher yielding than rye in side by side tests. Flag leaf triticale resists lodging at nitrogen rates over 100 lbs.N/a which gives high crude protein, while rye lodges.
The Key to High Winter Forage Yields is Planting on Time, which is: 10 DAYS TO TWO WEEKS BEFORE WHEAT-FOR-GRAIN PLANTING DATE IN YOUR AREA. This has proven true over the past 20 years of winter forage research. Earlier planting means more tillers which means more spring yield potential. On-time planting research showed a 25-35% yield increase next spring vs late (same date or later than wheat).
Should we skip winter forage? NO! Go ahead and plant. You will protect the soil against long term yield-robbing soil erosion; improve the soil health and structure for long term yield gain and still could have economical yields of very high-quality forage. There are several steps that our research has found to improve the yield and survival of late winter forage. Don’t fall for the old story that if you plant late you can make up for it by putting down more seed. Research has not seen any advantage planting over 100 lbs winter triticale seed/acre. If you are forced this year to plant later than the optimum two weeks before wheat grain planting; instead of spending money on extra seed, spend it on having a 3-way fungicide seed treatment applied to the seed. In replicated trials at the on-time planting date, the treated seed yielded 15% more than the control of untreated seed. For the late planting date, the treated seed yielded 28% more than the untreated seed. The late seeding still produced 2.8 tons of dry matter (8 tons/a 35% dm) yield which is a very profitable crop. Much depends on fall weather. The management most critical to survival in late planting is to plant at 1.25 inches at a minimum. If you don’t, in early spring thaw the heaving will push the plant up and they don’t grow. For keys on planting watch the YouTube video Establishing Winter Triticale Forage.
Like cool season grass, oats with an under-crop of winter triticale must be mowed at 4-inch cutterbar height or it will be killed. Mowed properly, this triticale crop is growing very nicely the next spring.
(adapted from research by Tom Klicer; Cornell University Emertis).