Reports are for crop conditions up to July 1, 2021
Western Maryland
The barley harvest is complete and the yield reports are very favorable. The combines moved t the wheat fields and that harvest is now underway with the balers following close behind. Early reports of wheat yields are also favorable. Corn and early beans looking good after a little battle with Mr. Slug and his friends. The recent heat has been good for the crops and allows for a favorable harvest, rains and cooler temperatures are forecast to be on the horizon. —Jeff Semler, Washington Co.
Northern Maryland
Crops look very good across Northern Maryland, and we just received some timely rains that the corn and soybeans will appreciate and should make for good double-crop planting/germination conditions. Wheat harvest is progressing with reports of average to very good yields and heavy test weights. Most all corn has been top dressed with the second shot of N. Earliest planted corn will be tasseling in a couple of weeks and early planted group III soybeans are very close to R1. There has been spots of some severe slug damage on early planted soybean fields. A lot of hay was put up over the past few weeks with the good drying weather.—Andy Kness, Harford Co.
Upper & Mid Shore
The heavier soils on the upper part of the shore are holding up well. However the mid shore is getting dry and hoping for July 4th rains! Wheat harvest is almost complete with yields being average and above. The dry/cool/long grain fill period proved good for wheat yields again. Scab was low to nonexistent. Corn is beginning to tassel/silk and looks good. Early planted Group 3 soybeans are blooming and look good. So far, there has been plenty of moisture for germination of double crop beans. There have been many acres of 2,4-D and Dicamba beans sprayed with minimal off site movement issues.—Jim Lewis, Caroline Co.
Lower Shore
Corn growth has taken off in the last couple of weeks. On average it’s about 4-5 feet tall. Sidedress N has been applied or is currently being applied to late planted corn. Full-season soybean has been planted and on average is at the V4 stage, and 7-10” tall. For the most part crops are looking good, although corn is showing some signs of water stress in sandier areas. Wheat harvest began around June 20th and is ongoing. Wheat yields are reported as average.—Sarah Hirsh, Somerset Co.
Southern Maryland
As I write this, temperatures across the region are reaching into the upper 90’s and rain has been hard to come by. Crops are moisture stressed, with earlier corn just beginning to tassel. Critical rains are expected today and tomorrow, so hopefully by the time this is read, all crops will have received some much needed moisture. Barley harvest is mostly complete and wheat harvest is well on the way. Yields have been good to very good given the wet fall. Some wheat is taking its time drying down. Soybeans are in good condition. Very early planted beans have made good strides. Beans planted the first or second week of May are a bit behind compared to most years. Spider mites are plentiful in vegetable crops, and will begin to show up in bean fields soon, especially if the hot, dry weather continues. Second cutting of hay is being made now. We need more rain so keep cutting.—Ben Beale, St. Mary’s Co.