Bonus Cover Crop Program—Seeking Farmer Collaborators

Sarah Hirsh, Agriculture Agent |
University of Maryland Extension, Somerset County

Cover crops can have various benefits such as scavenging nutrients, adding organic matter or nitrogen to the soil, reducing compaction, or competing with weeds. University of Maryland Extension is now offering a free service to consult with farmers to identify the top needs of their crop fields, and then plan and implement cover crops that will best address those needs. The grant-funded project will provide financial cost-share support for cooperating farmers. This support will complement the support provided by other cost-share programs, such as Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Cover Crop program.

Step 1. Farmer and University of Maryland Extension Ag Agent meet to discuss field conditions and plan cover crops based on specific field needs. For example, discuss:

  • Rotation and timing of cash crops
  • Soil and fertility needs
  • Pest pressures

Step 2. Farmer plants planned cover crops on fields.

Step 3. University of Maryland Extension will assess the success of the cover crops in meeting the field needs. In addition, soil health benchmark testing will be provided free to the farmer (


  • Farm located in Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, or Worcester county.
  • Fields should be 10-50 acres, with up to 3 fields per farm (max 150 acres per farm).
  • Grain crop should be in the crop rotation.

Payment details:

Participating farmers will get payment of $45-$75/Acre from MDA program, different rates determined by species and planting and termination dates.

Participating farmers will get additional $30/Acre from our grant project for being part of our research efforts and trying out innovative cover cropping approaches.

To learn more or sign-up, contact Sarah Hirsh (410) 651-1350 |

University programs, activities, and facilities are available to all without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, religion, protected veteran status, genetic information, personal appearance, or any other legally protected class.

Maryland Region Crop Reports: May 2023

Reports are for crop conditions up to May 4, 2023.

Western Maryland

Welcome rains fell over the weekend but cooler temperatures will stall the corn that has been planted. Most of the triticale has been harvested and the barley is in head. First-cutting alfalfa will soon be mowed when sun and rain allow. Corn planting will continue at breakneck speed since soybeans are haunting farmers from their seed sheds. Thus far peaches and apples are faring ok as long as the nighttime cold temps don’t drop too far. Spirits are high since our recent rains and farmers are eternal optimists.—Jeff Semler, Washington Co.

Central Maryland 

We have finally received some much needed rain, with areas around the county getting a total of 2-3 inches in the past several days. However, this cool and wet weather has slowed planting, as well as crop and summer annual weed emergence. A majority of corn has been planted. Some emerged corn is yellow due to the cooler weather. Barley and wheat are heading.—Kelly Nichols, Montgomery Co.

Much of the small grain acres for forage have been harvested in the last three to four weeks. Many wheat acres are moving past flag-leaf and into heading, though this has been slowed with recent weather. Barley across the county, though short, is headed and into flowering. Some early planted corn has emerged and generally appears okay, however the cooler temperatures have slowed development and in some cases resulted in a few more yellow leaves. Not many soybean acres have been planted thus far, though the ones that have are not yet emerged.—Mark Townsend, Frederick Co.

Northern Maryland

The season was off to an early start, with most everyone that had a corn planter had it rolling full tilt by April 20 or so, which is normally around the time folks are just playing around with planter settings. Since last week, the rains came and temperatures took a nose dive and we went from hot and dry to cool and wet, which has stopped planting. Right now a good majority of the corn crop is planted, with some emerged and looking ok but it is probably wondering where the warm weather went. Some soybeans have been planted, but not a lot. This weather brings the possibility of slug pressure. Early wheat varieties have already flowered; later varieties should be heading in the next few days.—Andy Kness, Harford Co.

Upper and Mid Shore

We were ahead of schedule planting until the heavy rains last week. Soil moisture is optimum/excessive with last weeks 4-6” rain. Early planted corn has faded to a yellow hue with the recent cold weather. Early planted beans have been providing slugs, breakfast, lunch, and dinner with cloudy damp weather. Planters are full and tractors are fueled up waiting for dry sunny weather. Small grain has headed and is being sprayed with scab protectant fungicides. A little dot of hay was made before the rains.—Jim Lewis, Caroline Co.

Lower Shore

After a very dry couple of weeks, we had a heavy rainfall last weekend, ranging from 3-4 inches across the lower shore. Corn planting began before the rain, and now farmers are waiting for the ground to dry out to continue. Some farmers are concerned they will have to replant some corn acreage planted prior to the rain. Winter wheat is looking good and heading out. Fungicides are being sprayed on wheat. Most cover crops have been terminated, but those that remain look great and will provide a nice mulch for reducing summer weed pressure.—Sarah Hirsh, Somerset Co.

Southern Maryland

Planters have been running for weeks now. May-like temperatures in April brought about nearly ideal conditions, and many folks rolled the dice with early planting. It appears it was a good bet as stands have emerged well with no frost. I suspect we are close to 90% planted in So MD. We have many acres of early planted soybeans again this year. Rain was hard to come by with soil conditions becoming dry a couple of weeks ago. Rain 10 days ago and last weekend was much needed though it delayed planting progress. The current week of cooler weather has slowed crop progress, but overall we are in good shape. With recent rains, keep an eye out for slugs in newly emerged fields. In other crops, barley is headed out with some fields turning already. Wheat is headed and flowering now. We have seen an extended flowering period in wheat this year, with a lot of variability in flowering across the same fields. Alfalfa weevil pressure has been high this year. Be sure to scout fields for weevil injury. I have seen a lot of fields with a white cast due to severe feeding injury. In our area, pyrethroids are no longer working well due to resistance. Steward EC is the best alternative. On the fruit and vegetable front, plasticulture strawberries has an excellent growing season and are ripening now. I expect a bumper crop of berries this year. All of our main season vegetable crops are preparing to go in the ground this week.—Ben Beale, St. Mary’s Co.

*Regions (counties):

Western: Garrett, Allegany, Washington. Central: Frederick, Montgomery, Howard. Northern: Harford, Baltimore, Carroll. Upper & Mid Shore: Cecil, Kent, Caroline, Queen Anne, Talbot. Lower Shore: Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico. Southern: St. Mary’s, Anne Arundel, Charles, Calvert, Prince George’s

Earn a gift card by telling us about your thoughts on nitrogen management in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

What are your thoughts on nitrogen management in the Chesapeake Bay watershed? What can we do to reduce nitrogen pollution in the Bay while meeting the demands for nutritious food and economic development? Your thoughts are very important for us to identify barriers and opportunities for improving the Bay’s health! Thanks to our farmers, we have made progress in reducing nitrogen pollution reaching the Bay in the past few decades, but there is still more work to do.

If you live/work in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and are over 18 years old, we would like to invite you to take a quick online survey (password: cafe2021) to share your thoughts. Our research team at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science developed this project to help understand and increase the region’s capacity to efficiently and profitably manage nitrogen across the food system, from crop and animal production, to distribution, to consumer waste treatment! Reducing nutrient loss depends on all parts of the food system, and participation of all different stakeholders like you!

This survey will take about 20 minutes. We will email the first 100 participants a $20 e-gift card. This survey is part of an NSF-funded project and it is approved by the University of Maryland Institutional Review Board ([1864028-3]. Sustainable nitrogen management across spatial and system scales). Please find more details about the project in the document attached. Any questions, please let us know. You can contact us via this email Thank you in advance for your contribution to the research project and the Bay’s health!

Best regards,
The CAFE Team
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Diversify Your Cover Crops: On-Farm Series

Diversify Your Cover Crops: On-Farm Series – 8:30 am – 10:00 am each day
In-person – Eastern Shore, MD Farms
University of Maryland Extension, Future Harvest, Sustainable Chesapeake 

Three Friday field-days focus on how to get more benefits out of a cover crop. Each field-day includes a tour of diversified cover crops fields. The host farmer will discuss his experience planting and managing cover crops. University of Maryland Extension educators will discuss cover crop planning and planning tools available.

Field-day Locations:
  • Friday March 17 8:30-10:00 AM @ SB Farm, 7010 Hynson Rd, Hurlock, MD
  • Friday March 24 8:30-10:00 AM @ Wright Farm, 8910 Old Railroad Rd, Hebron, MD
  • Friday March 31 8:30-10:00 AM @ Lewis Farm, 24790 Dukes Rd, Greensboro, MD

The field-days are sponsored by University of Maryland Extension, Million Acre Challenge, Future Harvest, and Sustainable Chesapeake, with funding support from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

This is a free program with a light breakfast included. Maryland nutrient management credit (1 CEU) and Certified Crop Adviser credit (1.5 CEU) will be offered.

If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in any event or activity, please contact Sarah Hirsh at least two weeks prior to the event at

2022 Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School

Registration is now open for the Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School, which will be held in-person at the Princess Royale in Ocean City, MD from November 15 – 17, 2022. The school offers a 2 ½ day format with a variety of breakout sessions. Emphasis is placed on new and advanced information with group discussion and interaction encouraged. Individuals needing training in soil and water, nutrient management, crop management, and pest management can create their own schedule by choosing from 5 program options offered each hour.

New this year for CCAs: we are offering  specialty CCA certification credits in sustainability and precision agriculture. Specialty credits count toward recertification for the associated specialty certification or can be applied toward your overall CCA recertification credit requirements (for individuals not holding a specialty certification). We also anticipate offering state nutrient management credits for DE, MD, PA, VA, and WV and state pesticide credits for DE, MD, NJ, PA, VA, and WV.

Online registration will close at 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday, November 7, 2022. Registration Fees are $325 by October 15, and $375 from October 16 through November 7. We look forward to seeing you there.

Registration and program details are online at:

Maryland Regional Crop Reports: May 2022

Western Maryland

Erratic weather patterns continue to dominate and challenge us here in Washington County. While we can still use precipitation, it has recently been coupled with wild temperature swings. In the 70s or low 80s and then back to the low fifties with nighttime temperatures on several occasions hovering near freezing. Triticale harvest is over half finished but very little corn has gone in the ground. First cutting alfalfa will begin early next week barring rain showers. First cutting hay of any kind looks like it will be below normal. Forever the optimist, second cutting will be better.—Jeff Semler, Washington Co.

Central Maryland

Small grain silage harvest is in full swing. Manure is being hauled and corn is being planted. Some soybeans have been planted. First cutting of hay may also start soon. Over the past month, most of the area has been at or above normal rainfall, according to the National Weather Service. Field work may slow down depending on much rain we get this weekend, but next week is forecasted to be drier and in the 70s. —Kelly Nichols, Montgomery Co.

Northern Maryland

The trend for April has been a continuation of March—cool temperatures that rarely want to move out of the 60s. As a result, the start of planting was about a 5-10 days later than usual for this region. Most planting kicked off the week of Easter. In general, small grains look good. Barley is headed out and wheat is a couple of weeks away. Some rye has been chopped for feed. Pastures and hay fields are enjoying the cooler temperatures.—Andy Kness, Harford Co.

Upper & Mid Shore

Soil moisture has been perfect for spring crops, field work, and planting. Soil temperatures have been a little cool for this time of year. Many acres of corn and beans have went in over the past week. Barley is fully headed and wheat will be in a few days. Both look good. Hay and pastures look good, but the cool weather has them a little behind normal.—Jim Lewis, Caroline Co.

Lower Eastern Shore

Wheat is starting to pollinate. It’s been a relatively dry spring, making for an average to above average wheat crop, with minimal disease pressure. Cover crops have been mostly terminated. However, where still standing, cover crops are looking great. These late-terminated cover crops should bring additional benefits to the fields, such as providing substantial organic matter to the soil, and in some cases releasing nitrogen on the soil surface. Growers have spread poultry manure. Weather has been relatively favorable these last couple of weeks for planting. Corn has started to be planted. Much more corn acreage is expected to be planted in the next weeks, to be followed by soybean planting.—Sarah Hirsh, Somerset Co.

Southern Maryland

The region has experienced good planting conditions over the last week. Corn planting progress is still a bit behind schedule with cooler soils limiting the number of early-planted acres. Most farmers are finishing up with corn planting and have started with soybean planting. Recent showers were welcome with soil conditions becoming slightly dry during the last couple of weeks. Wheat is in the early heading stage and many fields will be flowering by the time you read this. Farmers will be evaluating the need for a head scab fungicide in the next few days. Many wheat fields are exhibiting yellowing in the upper canopy that is not readily attributable to any disease. We are also seeing a lot of powdery mildew in the lower canopy, but very little in the upper canopy. Insect and disease pressure has been light so far. Forage crops look great this spring. Alfalfa weevil are very active this year and many fields required treatment. Pyrethroid resistance continues to be an issue for our growers. First cutting of cool season grasses is underway.—Ben Beale, St. Mary’s Co.

*Regions (counties):

Western: Garrett, Allegany, Washington. Central: Frederick, Montgomery, Howard. Northern: Harford, Baltimore, Carroll. Upper & Mid Shore: Cecil, Kent, Caroline, Queen Anne, Talbot. Lower Shore: Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico. Southern: St. Mary’s, Anne Arrundel, Charles, Calvert, Prince George’s

Farming for Healthy Soils Program

Kelly Nichols, Agriculture Agent
University of Maryland Extension, Montgomery County

The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) is accepting applications for the Farming for Healthy Soil Program. This program provides financial and technical assistance to farmers for implementing soil health practices on their farm. All livestock and crop (including grain, forage, fruit, and vegetables) farms are eligible for this program. Approved soil health practices include conservation tillage/residue management, multi-species cover crop mixtures, extended season cover crops, prescribed grazing, and precision nutrient management. Practices must be new to the farm; for example, adopting a practice never used on site before or changing from a one species cover crop to a two species cover crop.

Rates range from $10 to $55 per acre (Table 1). Fields eligible for the Maryland Agricultural Water Quality Cost Share (MACS) Cover Crop Program can receive financial assistance from this grant in addition to the MACS funding; however, MACS enrolled fields must be extended season (planted before October 1 and terminated after May 1) or multi-species cover crops. The maximum funding per participating producer is $5,000 annually. Farmers must be in compliance with MDA programs (i.e. nutrient management) in order to participate.

This program runs until June 2023. Soil samples will be taken on participating farms. For more information, contact Kevin Antoszewski, MDA Healthy Soils Program Coordinator, at or (410) 841-5866.

Table 1. Eligible conservation practices and cost-share rates.

Practice Rate per Acre
Residue and Tillage Management, No-Till or Reduced Till $18
Multi-species Cover Crop (without MACS program participation) $55
Multi-species or Extended Season Cover Crop (includes MACS program participation) $10
Prescribed Grazing $35
Precision Nutrient Management $40

The University of Maryland Extension Seeks Farmer Collaborators for Bonus Cover Crop Program

The University of Maryland Extension is now offering a free service to consult with farmers to identify the top needs of their crop fields, and then plan and implement cover crops that will best address those needs. The grant-funded project will provide financial cost-share support for cooperating farmers. This support will complement the support provided by other cost-share programs, such as Maryland Department of Agriculture’s MACS program.

To qualify for this program your farm must be located in one of the nine Eastern Shore counties: Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, or Worcester. Additionally, a grain crop should be in the crop rotation for fields to be considered eligible.

If eligible, participating farmers may receive payment of $40 to $75 per acre from the Maryland Department of Agriculture program. Different rates will be determined by species, and planting and termination dates. Additionally, participating farmers will receive an additional $30 per acre from this grant project for being a part of the University of Maryland Extension research efforts, and for trying innovative cover cropping approaches.

To learn more about this program or to sign up contact one of the following University of Maryland Agricultural Extension Agents. For the Lower Shore contact Sarah Hirsh (410-651-1350 / or Haley Sater (410-749-6141 / For the Mid-Shore contact Jim Lewis (410-763-0130 / or Shannon Dill (410-822-1244 / For the Upper-Shore contact Jenny Rhodes (410-758-0166 /

This program was made possible thanks to Sustainable Chesapeake, University of Maryland Extension, Future Harvest, Maryland Department of Agriculture, USDA NRCS, Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Register For The 2022 Virtual Agronomy Meeting

10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

This meeting will cover timely topics related to corn, soybean, and small grain production in Maryland. Hear from University of Maryland and other regional experts covering topics, such as:

  • Weed management with a limited toolbox
  • Hedging your bets to maximize profitability of fungicides on corn and soybeans
  • Agriculture leasing and agriculture law update
  • Corn nitrogen use following cover crops
  • Soil fertility and 4R

This meeting satisfies credits for pesticide applicator and nutrient management voucher renewals.

Register online:

Maryland Regional Crop Reports: November 2021

Crop reports are for conditions up to November 11, 2021.

Western Maryland

The trees are coloring, while not as pretty as when we receive summer showers but we will take it. Four good nights of hard freezes give us hope winter will bring some healing from insects and disease. Nearly all of the corn and beans are in the bins and the wheat, barley, rye, and triticale are planted. The last of the dairy manure will soon hit the ground and everyone will head to the shop to begin winter repairs and maintenance looking towards spring 2022. Depending on where you are located in the county, grain yields were mostly unaffected but hay and silage yields were down. Looking forward to a better 2022. —Jeff Semler, Washington Co.

Central Maryland

After temperatures dipped down to freezing at night for a day or two last week, we finally have a few warm, sunny days to continue harvest, which rains in the past month had made challenging. On average, I have heard reports of at or above average corn and soybean yields, as well as some local and regional mills being full.—Kelly Nichols, Montgomery Co.

Northern Maryland

In general, harvest ‘21 has been very smooth. Weather has cooperated with the exception of a few cloudy/rainy days in October that stopped combines for a few days. Just about all corn and full season beans have been harvested, the majority of what’s still sanding in fields are double crops. Yields for corn, full-season, and double crop beans have been very strong across the board. Soil temperatures and moisture conditions made for very good cover crop and small grain establishment. The talk of supply shortages, double and tripling fertilizer costs and other rising inputs has put a damper on an otherwise exciting harvest. Hopefully 2022 inputs will not price us out of farming!—Andy Kness, Harford Co.

Upper & Mid Shore

It has been a very smooth harvest season. Bean harvest is winding down, with most farmers finishing full season beans and working on double crop beans. Small grain and cover crops look excellent.—Jim Lewis, Caroline Co.

Lower Eastern Shore

Corn harvest is complete. About 30-40% of soybean has been harvested. Recent floods and high water table in the region have delayed some fields from being harvested. Wheat planting is progressing well with 70-80% of the acreage planted. Early planted small grains have emerged and are looking good at this time. While cover crop planting is still underway, many early-planted fields are already seeing substantial growth. This fall cover crop growth should provide great benefits in terms of scavenging leftover nutrients from the soil. If conditions are favorable, we are expecting a lot more cover crop to be seeded with the extended MDA planting date deadline.—Sarah Hirsh, Somerset Co.

Southern Maryland

Weather conditions have been decent for harvest with the last of the corn coming off now. Farmers are scrambling to finish up soybean harvest as well. Soybeans have been hard to get down to 13% moisture in many cases. Both corn and soybean yields have been very good to excellent. Small grain planting is a bit behind schedule due to the weather conditions as of late. Most folks are getting cover crop and wheat planting finished up this week. This area received its first frost last week; we still haven’t received a hard frost but most vegetable crops are finished. Time to put this season to bed and get ready for next spring.—Ben Beale, St. Mary’s Co.