Conservation Buffer Initiative

Maryland Department of Agriculture press release

New opportunities for riparian buffers with pasture, deer fencing

The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) announced that the signup period for its Conservation Buffer Initiative will run from January 10 to February 18, 2022. Now in its second year, this popular conservation program offers attractive incentives, easy signup, and more management options for farmers who want to plant streamside buffers on their farms to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.

New this year, farmers can receive up to $4,500/acre to install riparian forest buffers with pasture fencing. Financial assistance is also available to install deer fencing along grass buffers. Other features include a buffer option for field ditches, flexible site management, and shorter contract terms.

“The Conservation Buffer Initiative saw great interest from farmers in its inaugural year, and we are excited to bring it back for 2022 with added incentives,” said Agriculture Secretary Joe Bartenfelder. “Conservation buffers are an important tool in our efforts to protect the Chesapeake Bay watershed. I encourage all farmers with streamside property to contact their local soil conservation district and take advantage of this great opportunity.”

Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Plan includes a goal to plant 63,980 acres of buffers by 2025. As of June 30, 2021, Maryland farmers have planted 52,405 acres of buffers, and this grant program aims to help close the gap. Three types of buffers are eligible for funding and free technical assistance from local soil conservation districts: forest buffers planted next to waterways, grass buffers planted next to waterways or field ditches, and watercourse access control areas adjacent to pastures.

Here are program highlights:

  • Payment rates range from $500/acre for an existing grass buffer to a maximum of $4,500/acre to install a riparian forest buffer with pasture fencing.
  • Financial assistance is offered to install deer fencing next to grass buffers.
  • Mowing and hay harvesting are allowed; nutrient applications are not.
  • Farmers receive a one-time payment for enrolled land.
  • Contracts are for five or 10 years.
  • All work must be completed by June 30, 2023.

Farmers who want to install new buffers on land adjacent to waterways or improve existing buffers are encouraged to sign up for these grants through MDA’s website by February 18, 2022. For help with applications or questions, please contact your local soil conservation district office.

Funding for Maryland’s Conservation Buffer Initiative is provided by the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Practical Experiences in Nutrient Management: Hay and Pasture Focus

 October 19, 2021 9:30 am to 3:00 pm
Central Maryland Research and Education Center | 4240 Folly Quarter Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21042


Course Description: Hands-on activities to enhance any certified farmer or certified nutrient management consultant’s skill set. This year’s session will focus on topics most relevant to hay and pasture operations. Topics to be covered include:

  • Dr. Amy Burk: Equine Rotational Grazing: Benefits for Nutrient Management
  • Racheal Slattery: Effective Pasture Design Utilizing Nutrient Management
  • Dr. Amanda Grev: Pasture and Soil Health Assessment
  • UMD Ag Nutrient Management Program: Manure Spreader Calibration
  • MDA Q&A during lunch

CEUs: 4 hours of credit toward consultants’ or operators’ continuing education requirement will be earned from full participation in this event.

Who Should Attend? Certified nutrient management consultants/operators and any individual interested in practical hay & pasture production and nutrient management are encouraged to attend.

Directions: Morning sessions will be held at the Equine Rotational Grazing Demonstration Site at 4241 Folly Quarter Road (across the street from the dairy). Then, participants will move over to the dairy side of CMREC at 4240 Folly Quarter Rd for lunch and the afternoon sessions. Detailed directions will be sent to registrants.

Cost: $30 for the day, paid in advance via credit card or check, covers materials, coffee and light breakfast snacks, and a box lunch.

Information: Email Emileigh Lucas at or call (301) 405-2465


Fall Armyworm Alert: Scout Sod and Pastures!

Kelly Hamby, Extension Entomology Specialist, University of Maryland |
and David Owens, Extension Entomology Specialist, University of Delaware |

A fall armyworm outbreak is occurring throughout Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio. This week, we received a report of armyworm damage to sod from Maryland’s Eastern Shore as well as residential lawns in Lewes, Delaware. This appears to be one of the most significant armyworm flights in many years. Scout turf, sod, pasture grasses, any late sweet corn that has not yet headed, and when the time comes, small grain and cover crops. Females lay egg masses containing between 50 and 200 eggs, meaning damage can be localized and intense and that it does not take many moths to infest a field. It is important to catch an infestation as early as possible. Larvae consume 80% of their total intake during the last three days of larval development. Often, it is during this period or just after larvae have finished that damage is noticed, occurring seemingly overnight as if an army had stripped the field. It takes about 14-19 days for larvae to mature.

Recommendations from southern states that deal with armyworm more regularly are to sample 1 sq. ft, if there are more than 3 armyworms ½ inch long, a treatment is warranted, but if worms are 1 ½” long, they are close to pupating. We have many options for armyworm control in pastures including Pyrethroids, IGRs (ex Intrepid), Diamides (Vantacor and premixes like Besiege), spinosyns (ex Blackhawk) and Lannate. Growth regulators are slow acting, thus are only going to be effective on small worms. Before treating armyworm, remember to read labels carefully; the label is the law.

Stockpiling Pasture for Fall and Winter Grazing

Amanda Grev, Forage and Pasture Management Specialist |
University of Maryland Extension

With August upon us, we may still be feeling the heat of the summer at the moment but whether or not we’re ready, cooler temperatures are just around the corner and it’s time to be thinking about winter feeding strategies. Using harvested forages for winter feed represents a substantial expense for livestock operations. For many grazing operations, stockpiling can be an effective strategy to extend forage resources further into the fall and winter season, reducing the costs associated with harvesting and storing feed and providing high-quality pasture for fall and winter grazing.

What is stockpiling?

The concept of stockpiling is simple. Rather than cutting, drying, and storing hay to feed over the winter, existing pastures are allowed to grow and accumulate forage in the field to be grazed by livestock in a later season. Under this management strategy, grazing animals are removed from pastures in late summer and forages are allowed to accumulate growth through the late summer and fall. The cool, late-season temperatures make it possible for the accumulation of high-quality forage even after an extended period of growth. This stockpiled forage is then available for grazing throughout the fall and winter months, reducing the costs associated with feeding stored feeds.

Which forages work best?

Although a number of different forages can be stockpiled, some forage species will hold their nutritional value longer than others in the winter months. Compared to other cool-season grasses, tall fescue is well adapted for stockpiling, as it has the ability to accumulate a substantial amount of fall growth and tolerate colder temperatures without losing quality. In addition, the waxy layer or cuticle on the leaves of tall fescue make the plant more resistant to frost damage or deterioration. Tall fescue also forms a good sod, making it more tolerant to foot traffic and minimizing impacts on its productivity the following season.

How is stockpiling accomplished?

Early August is the time to begin stockpiling for fall and winter grazing. To prepare for stockpiling, pastures should be grazed (or clipped) down to a 3 to 4 inch stubble height to ensure that the accumulated forage will come from new growth. After livestock are removed, 40 to 60 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to stimulate additional regrowth and optimize forage accumulation and quality. The grasses should then be allowed to regrow until forage growth dramatically slows or ceases completely.

It should be noted that not all nitrogen fertilizers will be equally efficient when fertilizing pastures in the fall. In urea or urea-based fertilizers, the ammonia is volatile and a substantial amount of the nitrogen from these sources will be released to the atmosphere via volatilization when applied during the hot and humid days of late summer. To minimize this volatilization, these nitrogen sources should be applied immediately prior to a significant rainfall event. Ammonium nitrate is the most efficient source of nitrogen for stockpiling, but it is often more expensive than other sources.

Will yield and quality be good?

Where tall fescue was successfully stockpiled, yields of 1 to over 1.5 tons of dry matter per acre have been documented. Higher yields will be achieved if nitrogen is applied immediately after the last cutting or grazing compared to pastures that did not receive fertilization or were fertilized later in the fall.

Forage quality of stockpiled tall fescue can be very good. Depending on the amount of nitrogen applied, fall-grown tall fescue can average 12 to 18% protein and can maintain good nutritional value throughout the fall season. Research has demonstrated that stockpiled tall fescue has sufficient quality to carry dry cows through the winter and could carry lactating beef cows into January without additional supplementation. However, the forage quality and digestibility of stockpiled forages is variable and will decline as growth accumulates, forages mature, and winter conditions continue. To confirm nutritional value, forage samples should be taken and analyzed to ensure the pasture is meeting the nutritional requirements of the animals utilizing it.

How to utilize stockpiled forage?

Stockpiled forage can be valuable under a variety of grazing methods, but forage utilization can be increased substantially by using improved grazing practices. If livestock are allowed to continuously graze the entire pasture with unrestricted access, efficiency will be lower and the potential grazing period will be shortened due to waste and trampling damage. To minimize waste and get the most from stockpiled forage, pastures should be either rotationally or strip grazed. Strip grazing is a management system that involves giving livestock a fresh area of pasture every day or every few days by moving a temporary electric fence in the pasture. This method limits the area available for grazing, helping to increase pasture carrying capacity and maximize forage utilization.


Removing livestock and fertilizing pastures or hayfields in late summer will allow forage growth to be stockpiled for late fall and winter grazing. Utilization of stockpiled pasture is an economically-advantageous management strategy that will extend the grazing season, minimize winter hay feeding and stored feed requirements, and provide high-quality forage without negatively impacting the persistence of forage stands.

To Mow or Not to Mow

Amanda Grev, Forage & Pasture Management Specialist |
University of Maryland Extension

When it comes to something like mowing or clipping pastures, there are certainly two sides to the fence: those that think mowing or clipping pastures is just something that has to be done, and those that think it is a waste of time and fuel and offers little benefit. In truth, the reality is that both sides are right—the need to mow or clip is usually site and time specific and will depend on several factors. Sometimes the decision is easy, and sometimes the decision is less clear, so what are the arguments for or against mowing or clipping?

Eliminating Seed Heads. Mowing pastures is a strategy often used to eliminate seed heads in an effort to keep forages in a vegetative state and promote additional growth. As plants mature to a reproductive stage, they become less palatable to livestock and forage quality quickly decreases. Removing the stem and seed head through clipping or mowing encourages the plants to divert energy away from reproductive growth back to vegetative growth and the production of new leaf material, which will be higher in quality for livestock and will continue to capture sunlight and provide energy for the plant. Keeping plants in a vegetative state not only maximizes forage quality but also maintains a higher growth rate and stimulates tillering and root growth, promoting a denser stand.

One caution with this strategy—if eliminating seed heads is your main goal for mowing, be sure that there are enough seed heads present to validate this. Looking at a field from a “windshield” view often gives off the appearance that there are a lot more seed heads present than there really are, so be sure to go through the field and look at the seed head density from above. You may find that there are less seed heads present than you initially thought.

Promoting Even Grazing. This concept goes along with removing the seed heads and resetting the forages back to vegetative growth, as doing so can also promote a more even grazing distribution by livestock. Particularly if livestock have already been grazing selectively, mowing or clipping can eliminate forages that are heading and lower in quality and prevent the underutilized areas from becoming overly mature. By evening out the pasture, promoting uniform regrowth, and keeping the forage in a vegetative growth state, you can help minimize selection by livestock.

This is especially true for continuously grazed pasture where livestock have the ability to be more selective. For rotational grazing systems with frequent rotations, you may find this less necessary. With smaller paddocks and more frequent moves, livestock will already be less selective about what they eat and paddocks are more likely to be grazed evenly. Although this requires additional management, the return on this is less clipping, and less fuel and time spent doing so. So is the mowing worth it? In the long run, improving your management with rotation, adequate rest, and appropriate stocking rates will likely be more viable than continuously clipping underutilized areas.

Providing Weed Control. Mowing is often listed as a cheap, easy way to control weeds. Recognizing that there is a huge range in tolerance for weeds, particularly in pasture, most producers can probably still agree that certain weeds are more problematic than others and that some do have a negative impact on forage production and can lower the ability of the pasture to meet the nutritional needs of livestock. Mowing pastures is a form of mechanical weed control, and there are times when mowing or clipping can be useful, particularly if you have pastures with heavy weed pressure. In these cases, mowing can help eliminate competing vegetation and open up the canopy to favor the growth of desirable forages. Although mowing itself will not immediately control weeds or brush, it can prevent weeds from going to seed and help control their growth over time.

Of course the type of weeds present is an important consideration. Weed response to mowing will vary based on the time of clipping and the weed species present. Consider a pasture with an abundance of annual weeds; while mowing might help with their control in the short term, the presence of these weeds might be indicative of poor cover providing an opportunity for these species to fill in, in which case maintaining better cover would be a better focus for more success long term. For those harder-to-eliminate perennial weeds, although mowing may not be killing them outright, every time the plant is mowed it has to use additional energy for regrowth, draining its energy reserves and weakening the plant over time.

On the flip side, when considering mowing as a weed control strategy, be sure not to overlook the hidden costs. Factoring in time, along with fuel, maintenance, depreciation, and storage of equipment, most agricultural economists will place a minimum cost of $15 per acre on mowing. That’s really not all that cheap, especially when the results may be more temporary. It’s not that mowing can’t help control weeds, it’s that the number of mowings and the timeliness of each mowing are critical for long-term control. Effective control may require mowing two to three times each season over two or more years in order to fully prevent seed production and exhaust plant energy reserves. If we use the $15 per acre minimum, then we’ve spent $60 to $90 or more per acre for weed control.

In addition to the cost, recognize that mowing also removes some desired forage. Depending on the forage species and density, each inch of forage that is cut may remove 75 to 400 pounds of grazeable dry matter per acre. While mowing forage stands that have slowed or stopped growing can promote new, high-quality regrowth, repeated mowing over the season will reduce total available forage to some extent.

Controlling Pink Eye. Mowing or clipping can be a strategy to help control pink eye in cattle. While forage seed heads themselves do not necessarily cause pink eye, they can be an irritant and aggravate the condition. However, you may have a hard time justifying mowing for this reason unless you have an active pink eye problem. If pink eye is presently an issue, keeping seed heads under control using clipping or mowing could be justified to reduce possible eye irritations. However, that is usually only the case with high amounts of seed heads present, and controlling flies should be the first priority.

Maintaining Aesthetics. If aesthetics is your primary reason for mowing or clipping, the reality is you might be better off leaving it alone. Taller forages produce more live roots, which can provide some drought resilience. They can also help keep the canopy closed, shading out some weeds and keeping soil surface temperatures cooler and wetter, which can promote more growth from cool-season forages. They also have the added benefit of providing some wildlife habitat, especially for certain pollinator species. Pastures were never meant to look like mowed lawns, and keeping them as such is an added cost that has to be paid for by the enterprise.

All things considered, what is your primary reason for mowing? If your reason is to improve or maintain quality or to get on top of some persistent weed issues then you may find it useful. Mowing or clipping is one of the many tools we have for pasture management and it can have benefits. However, those benefits must be weighed against the costs that are associated with mowing pastures to determine if it is economical. In some cases, mowing will have a low return on investment, and you may be better off focusing on other things and reducing the time and money spent mowing.

Key Steps for Optimum Forage Establishment

Amanda Grev, Pasture & Forage Specialist
University of Maryland Extension

Last month we discussed strategies for assessing pasture stands and some initial considerations when beginning to think about pasture renovations. Now that August has arrived, if you have decided to proceed with some form of pasture renovation this fall it will soon be time for planting. Regardless of the extent of your renovation, there are several steps you should follow to make sure the seeding process goes smoothly. Below is an overview of the key steps necessary for optimum forage establishment.

Step 1: Correct Soil Fertility

Poor soil fertility is one of the most common causes of poor stand establishment and also poor stand persistence over time. Acidic conditions (low soil pH) will reduce nutrient availability and impair root growth and development, and essential nutrients like phosphorus are critical for proper seedling development. Because of these effects on plant nutrient availability and utilization, ensuring adequate soil pH and fertility is essential for optimum stand establishment and to obtain persistent, high-yielding stands long term. Soil fertility testing should be done prior to renovation so that lime and fertilizer can be applied according to soil test recommendations.

Step 2: Control Weeds

Weeds compete with desirable forages for light, nutrients, moisture, and space and can shade out or outcompete new seedlings. For best results, ensure weeds are controlled prior to seeding. Remember that while herbicides can be a useful tool for weed management, they are not the only option for weed control. An integrated approach that combines various cultural, mechanical, and chemical control practices will be the most successful.

Step 3: Select Adapted Species

Not all forages will perform equally on different sites, so be sure to select forages that are well suited for your soil and site characteristics. This includes variables such as soil type, drainage, moisture holding capacity, pH, fertility, and topography. For example, species such as orchardgrass or alfalfa require a higher level of fertility and will not thrive in systems with low soil pH or poor soil fertility. Be sure to select forage species that will match your intended use (hay vs. pasture, perennial vs. annual, time of year, management system) and livestock requirements based on species, age, and life stage.

Step 4: Inoculate Legume Seeds

If you plan to incorporate a legume as part of your forage mix, be sure the seed is properly inoculated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Some legume seeds come pre-inoculated, which saves time and helps to ensure inoculation. If not, be sure to select the appropriate inoculant strain depending on the legume species and inoculate the seed with fresh inoculant prior to seeding using an effective adhesive material to hold the inoculant on the seed. Inoculants are living organisms and will only work if the bacteria are alive when applied, so be sure to use proper storage and handling and check expiration dates.

Step 5: Graze and/or Clip Close

Grazing or clipping a pasture close to ground level prior to seeding will help eliminate residue and assist in suppressing competition from existing vegetation, giving new seedlings an opportunity to grow. If using livestock to accomplish this via grazing, be mindful of the potential effects this may have on animal performance, including the consumption of lower quality forage and/or the potential for increased parasite loads as animals graze below the usual minimum height recommendation.

Step 6: Prepare a Proper Seedbed

This step will vary slightly depending on the use of tilled vs. no-till seedings. If using tillage, be sure the seedbed is soft yet firm following tillage. An underworked seedbed will have too much surface residue and will be too rough for good seed placement, while an overworked seedbed will be too fluffy and fine and will dry out quickly. A good rule of thumb is that your boot tracks should be around ¼ inch deep. For no-till seedings, it is especially important to suppress the existing stand and reduce residue prior to planting. In addition to close grazing and/or clipping, the existing stand can be suppressed using a nonselective herbicide.

Step 7: Seed at the Proper Depth

Seeding too deep is one of the most common causes behind establishment failures. Be sure the seed drill is calibrated appropriately so that seed is placed at the proper depth. Take into account your soil type, texture, and moisture conditions; in general, seed should be placed slightly shallower in a heavier soil with a higher moisture content and slightly deeper in a lighter soil with lower moisture content. For most cool-season forages, the ideal seeding depth is ¼ to ½ inch, but seed characteristics vary so be sure to determine the optimum depth and adjust accordingly prior to planting. The key is to provide good seed to soil contact without placing the seed too deep.

Step 8: Seed at the Proper Time

Cool-season forages can be seeded in either the spring or late summer. Advantages of late summer seedings generally include reduced weed competition and cooler weather conditions during establishment. The ideal time will vary depending on your location and weather conditions but in general, the optimum time for late summer seeding in Maryland occurs from mid-August through mid-September.

Step 9: Seed at the Proper Rate

Similar to seed depth, calibration is essential to achieve a proper seeding rate. Seeding rates will vary based on forage species selection, be sure to follow recommendations when making seeding rate decisions. Pasture seeding rates are typically higher than hay seeding rates to provide a denser sod for grazing. Seeding rates can be adjusted slightly based on conditions at the time of seeding. If conditions are optimum, seed at the lower end of the recommended range. If conditions are poor, seed at the higher end of the recommended range.

Step 10: Manage New Seedings During Establishment

New seedings are especially sensitive during their establishment year. To maximize success, delay grazing on newly seeded areas until sufficient root systems have been developed to prevent livestock from uprooting newly established plants when grazed. Avoid grazing new stands during extremely wet periods, be very careful not to overgraze, and continue to scout for weeds or other potential issues that can impair establishment.


Assessing Pastures in Preparation for Fall Pasture Renovation

Amanda Grev, Pasture and Forage Specialist
University of Maryland Extension

With the current warm temperatures it may feel like fall is still far away, but the end of summer will be here before we know it and now is the time to be thinking ahead about plans for pasture renovation this fall. Despite our best managerial efforts, many of our forage stands will eventually require some form of renovation. Whether we have simply let our fertility slip, lapsed a little in our harvest management, allowed some fields to become overgrazed, or some weeds have taken over and outcompeted the desirable forages, an unproductive pasture is often the result. Couple this with the severe drought and extreme wet conditions that Mother Nature has all too often thrown our way in recent years and we may find ourselves scratching our heads and wondering how we got here and what to do about it.

The first step is to recognize that poor forage stands are often a symptom of an underlying cause. More often than not, the major causes of poor pasture productivity include a lack of adequate fertilization and/or poor grazing or harvest management. If this is the case, keep in mind that if a stand is thin as a result of poor soil fertility or overgrazing, the problem will not correct itself just because you’ve added more seed. To achieve real success, these underlying issues will need to be corrected. If environmental conditions such as flooding or drought are at fault, we can work to overcome those by selecting species or varieties that will be more resilient to those conditions moving forward.

Along those lines, one other point of note is that renovation does not always require completely starting over with a full reseeding. Renovation can also occur in the form of improvements in management, better fertilization and weed control, the addition of legumes into grass pastures, or overseeding into thinner areas.

When deciding whether or not renovation is needed, take some time to assess the current condition of your pastures. Are they performing as well as you would like? Has there been excess damage from environmental conditions? How well have you been managing the stand? Are there a lot of undesirable species or weeds present? In addition to asking yourself these questions, an objective assessment of the pasture stand can be helpful. One such assessment is the step-point method, which involves walking through each pasture in a random pattern and noting the forage species (or lack thereof) at various locations throughout the pasture (see specific steps below). Recording these observations allows you to objectively calculate the vegetative cover and percent desirable forages for a given field. In addition, take note of other key indicators such as forage diversity, plant vigor, presence of insect or disease damage, signs of erosion, or other observations as you walk.

If damage is light and there is a high proportion of desirable species and a low proportion of bare ground or undesirable weeds, then some rest, fertility, and weed control might be all you really need. If the damage is more moderate, perhaps frost seeding in some clovers or overseeding the worst areas would also help. If you have a low proportion of desirable species and a higher proportion of bare ground or undesirable weeds, you may want to consider terminating the existing stand and reestablishing the field with a suitable forage species based on your farm, your system, and your needs.

If you do decide to fully renovate, you have several options. The renovation process is a chance to upgrade your forage system and to capitalize on new and improved forage genetics. You may decide to do a rotation or two with an annual forage as a smother crop to help suppress weed populations, prevent soil erosion, build soil fertility, mitigate soil compaction, and provide a high quality forage source during the renovation process prior to planting the field back into a perennial stand. Either way, there are several steps you should follow to make sure the reseeding process goes smoothly, so start thinking ahead on some of the necessary steps moving forward. Think about forage options that will work for you and look for good quality seed to purchase. If you don’t have a recent soil test, take some soil samples and begin correcting any soil pH or fertility deficiencies. If weeds are a problem, be sure to allow adequate time to achieve good weed control and still be able to plant in a timely manner. Recognize that in some situations a single herbicide application may not always be enough, and be mindful of any herbicide carryover that might affect seeding.

No matter how you decide to proceed, now is the time to be thinking ahead and making plans for this fall. Stay tuned next month for an overview of the key steps for optimum forage establishment and some common establishment mistakes to avoid.

The Step-Point Method for Pasture Vegetative Cover Assessment
Step 1 Denote or mark a specific spot on the tip or edge of a shoe or boot.
Step 2 Based on the major species present in your pasture, determine which forage species to include as categories. As an example, you could include tall fescue, orchardgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, white clover, red clover, other legume, other grass, undesirable species (weeds), and bare ground.
Step 3 Walk through the pasture in a random zig-zag pattern stretching from one end of the field to the other. Avoid walking near gates, waterers, laneways, or other heavily used areas. Every 10 to 20 steps (depending on pasture size), stop and take note of what is directly under the designated spot on your shoe. The spot will fall directly on top of a specific plant species, make a mark for or write down which forage species (or bare ground) is present based on your pre-determined categories.
Step 4 After recording 50-100 stops, add up the number of marks for each forage species or category and calculate the percentage of each species.
Step 5 Repeat the above steps for each pasture.



UME Forage Needs Assessment Survey

University of Maryland Extension (UME) is conducting a forage/pasture needs assessment. We want to hear from you, the producer, about challenges and resources you’d like to see generated from UME regarding forages.

Please follow this link to complete the survey and please feel free to forward to anyone you know that might be interested:

Spring Weed Control for Pasture and Hayfields

Dr. Amanda Grev, Pasture & Forage Specialist
University of Maryland Extension

As things are greening up this spring, you may notice a few not-so-friendly plants popping up around your fields, especially given the milder weather this past winter. If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to scout your pastures and hayfields in search of winter annual and biennial weeds. When it comes to weed control, timing of herbicide application is critical and it is important to spray when weeds are most susceptible to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Winter annuals typically germinate in the fall, overwinter, and complete their reproductive cycle in the spring or early summer. Common winter annual species include chickweed, purple deadnettle, field pennycress, henbit, horseweed/marestail, shepherd’s purse, and the mustard species.  Annuals are best controlled during the seedling and early vegetative stage when they are young and actively growing. Herbicide applications will be more effective if made at this stage while they are still vegetative and more susceptible and will prevent them from flowering and producing seed.  At this time of year, these winter annuals are growing rapidly and have already or will soon begin to flower and set seed. If the winter annuals in your fields have moved beyond this stage, an application may offer some control but you may also want to take note of those weedy areas now and target them later this year with a late fall application.

Biennials live for two growing seasons, with the first year consisting of only vegetative growth as a seedling and rosette and the second year consisting of vegetative growth and also reproductive growth in the form of an elongated flower stalk. Common biennial species include burdock, bull thistle, musk thistle, and wild carrot. These weeds are best controlled during the seedling and rosette stage, and should be treated now while they are smaller and more susceptible and before they begin to bolt.

There are a number of herbicides available for control of broadleaf weeds. Herbicide selection should be based on the type of forage and weed species present. The most common herbicides used for control of broadleaf weeds in grass hay or pasture are the plant growth regulator herbicides, which includes products containing 2,4-D, dicamba, triclopyr, aminopyralid, picloram, or a mix of these (see the table below for a list of common products). These products are safe if applied to grass forages at the labeled rates but can kill or injure desirable broadleaf forages (i.e. clover) in grass-legume mixed pastures.

If weedy annual grasses such as crabgrass, foxtail, panicum, and Japanese stiltgrass are problematic, pendimethalin (Prowl H2O) now has a supplemental label that allows for its use on established perennial pastures or hayfields grown for grazing, green chop, silage, or hay production. It may be applied to perennial grass stands or alfalfa-grass mixed stands. Prowl H2O may be applied as a single application in the early spring, or for more complete control it can be applied as a split application with the first application in early spring and the second application after first cutting. Keep in mind, this herbicide is a pre-emergent herbicide, meaning it will only control weeds if applied prior to germination. If soil temperatures in your area are already above 50°F it is likely that crabgrass and stiltgrass has already germinated, but a split application of Prowl H2O now and after first cutting can help control foxtail. There are currently no herbicides labeled to control emerged weedy grasses in grass stands or alfalfa/grass mixes.

Note that if forages were recently seeded and are not yet established many of these herbicides can cause severe crop injury. Most herbicide labels for cool-season perennial grasses state that the grasses should be well established with at least 4-5 inches of growth, although some labels are more restrictive than this. In addition, some of these herbicides have haying or grazing restrictions following application. Always read and follow the guidelines listed on the product label for proper rates, timing, residual effects, and any grazing or harvest restrictions following application.

Lastly, remember that while herbicides can be a useful tool for weed management in pastures and hayfields, they are not the only option for weed control. A program that integrates several different control strategies is generally more successful than relying on a single method. For maximum results, include cultural practices such as selecting adapted species and maintaining optimum soil fertility, mechanical practices such as timely mowing or clipping to suppress weed seed production, and biological practices such as utilizing livestock for controlled grazing or browsing. And remember that weeds are opportunistic; the best method for weed control is competition with a healthy, dense stand of desirable forage species.

Product Active Ingredients Application Rate* General/Restricted Use
2,4-D 2,4-D 1 to 2 qt/A General
Banvel/Clarity dicamba 0.5 to 2 pt/A General
Crossbow 2,4-D + triclopyr 1 to 6 qt/A General
GrazonNext HL 2,4-D + aminopyralid 1.2 to 2.1 pt/A General
Grazon P+D 2,4-D + picloram 2 to 8 pt/A Restricted
Milestone aminopyralid 3 to 7 fl. oz/A General
PastureGard HL triclopyr + fluroxypyr 0.75 to 4 pt/A General
Prowl H2O pendimethalin 1.1 to 4.2 qt/A General
Remedy Ultra 4L triclopyr 0.5 to 4 pt/A General
Stinger clopyralid 0.7 to 1.3 pt/A General
Surmount picloram + fluroxypyr 3 to 6 pt/A Restricted
WeedMaster 2,4-D + dicamba 1 to 4 pt/A General

*For use in established grass pasture or hayfields


Maryland Pasture Field Day

University of Maryland Extension is hosting an upcoming pasture field day on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Western Maryland Research and Education Center (WMREC) in Keedysville.

This field day will focus on fall pasture planning and maintenance and is part of a larger MD/VA/WV Tri-State Pasture Education Series. Topics will include pasture evaluation and assessment, fall weed control, preparing for seeding, and stockpiling to extend the grazing season. Participants will be able to earn two nutrient management continuing education credits at this event. Registration is FREE and can be completed at Please register by Monday, August 12.

Questions? Please contact Amanda Grev at or (301) 432-2767 x339. We hope to see you there!