Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Director, Biological Sciences Graduate Program (BISI)
Telephone: 301-405-8286
Departmental FAX: 301-314-9082
Email: delwiche(at)
Pedigree: A.B.,1984, Botany, U.C. Berkeley. Ph.D.,1990, Botany, U.W. Madison. Postdocs, 1990-1996, U.W. Madison & Indiana University. Hired at Maryland in 1996.
Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution, Department of Paleontology
Dear. Prof. Dr. Delwiche,
I am a PhD student from Germany and I am currently working on the charophyte alga Zygnema performing stress treatments and gene expression analysis. I would like to use Spirogyra as a reference but it seems I cannot find any transcriptome assembly. That is why I am contacting you. Is there any chance to get access to your assembled transcriptome? Thank you for your time and consideration.
Martin Rippin