Solutions are in our hands
António Guterres, United Nations Secretary General
Today is the International Day of Peace, established in 1981 by the UN General Assembly the day is dedicated to non-violence and cease-fire. This year the theme for the day is “Shaping Peace Together”.
While we remain physically separated by the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, the theme of the day reminds us how interconnected our lives, communities, and futures are. It also highlights how crucial cooperation is in securing our common future.
The theme also provides an opportunity to reflect on the challenges we currently face and the lessons we must learn from history to ensure that everyone is included in creating a more peaceful future.
The challenges we face are global in scale, the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated this clearly, as does the ongoing climate crisis. We need to come together to face down these challenges, to create concrete solutions that benefit the many and not just the few.
Peace is not a zero-sum game and conflict anywhere has the potential to impact everywhere. If we do not address the root causes of conflict we cannot work towards a better, more equitable future.
The inbuilt inequity within our systems of government and governance, both national and international, must be addressed and reparations made in order to allow healing to truly begin. We can no longer ignore the ongoing impact that policies and practices such as slavery and colonialism have had on who has access, influence, and power within the world today.
We need to unite to challenge these systems and reconstitute a more equitable structure moving forward. This requires a willingness to change, to give up privileges, and to put in the work required to make a better future.
Now is the time for change, this year is the 75th anniversary of the creation of the United Nations, and institution intended to stop wars even before they can begin. It is time that we acted to truly build peace, instead of intervening only when peace is broken.
About the Author
Kate Seaman is the Assistant Director to the Bahá’í Chair for World Peace where she supports the research activities of the Chair. Kate is interested in understanding normative changes at the global level and how these changes impact on the creation of peace.
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