Edited Volume Read Along: Challenging Authority and Responsibility

In her chapter “Fragmented Responsibility in a Global World,” Author Charlotte Ku asks many questions about authority, liability, and obligation.  She begins with a discussion of what responsibilities exist between individual sovereign states. In general, a nation will act in its own best interest, however, in an interconnected world, and especially one desirous of peace, the limit on the actions of one state is when it begins infringing on the sovereignty of another. Continue reading

Edited Volume Read Along: Democratization, Globalization, and Compassion: The Challenges and Hope for the Future

Professor Craig N . Murphy begins his chapter “Where Democratization and Globalization Meet” with an interesting thought experiment. He calls it a “democratic solution to a global problem.” The problem he addresses is one whose global reach is clear: Climate Change. The disruptive and devastating impact of human industry on the ecological well-being of the Earth is widespread, and while blame is rightly skewed towards wealthy industrialized nations, the consequences affect everyone. 

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Moving out under COVIDs shadow – Tactical Urbanism and Being Partisan – Dr. Melissa Nursey Bray

This is a reflection written by Dr. Melissa Nursey Bray, Associate Professor at the Department of Geography, Environment and Population, Faculty of Arts, University of Adelaide, South Australia, for the new series from The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace on Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

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Pandemics, Borders and Crisis in a Globalized World – Professor Simon Dalby

This is a reflection written by Professor Simon Dalby for the new series from The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace on Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

This post was originally published by the Balsillie School of International Affairs and the original post can be viewed here. Continue reading

The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace hosts successful virtual conference Global Climate Crisis: Seeking Solutions


The world was a different place a number of months ago when the Baha’i Chair began the process of organizing our recent virtual conference. Long before the advent of the Covid-19, we planned to offer our conference virtually – the better to highlight the global, diffuse nature of environmental challenges. Sadly, these same challenges are paralleled in our coronavirus crisis – offering both hope for what we can accomplish and warnings of our essential unpreparedness. Continue reading

Virtual Conference Information and Schedule: Global Climate Crisis

Global Climate Crisis: Seeking Solutions

Virtual Conference

Tuesday April 14th, 2020 

9am – 6pm 

To join the conference use the following: 

Virtual Conference Link: tinyurl.com/global-climate

Access Password: global2020

Learn more about the speakers and topics included in the Bahá’í Chair’s upcoming Virtual Climate Change Conference. 

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About ‘In-Depth’

“The faculty to think objectively is reason; the emotional attitude behind reason is that of humility. To be objective, to use one’s reason, is possible only if one has achieved an attitude of humility, if one has emerged from the dreams of omniscience and omnipotence which one has as a child. Love, being dependent on the relative absence of narcissism, requires the development of humility, objectivity and reason.” – Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace at the University of Maryland is an endowed academic program that advances interdisciplinary examination and discourse on global peace. Viewing humanity as a collective and organic whole, the Chair’s incumbent, Professor Hoda Mahmoudi, explores the role that social actors and structures play in removing obstacles and creating paths to peace. The Chair’s explanation focuses on a number of thematic issues including, structural racism, climate change, human nature, women’s inequality, and leadership and global governance. Continue reading