Upcoming Event – Book Discussion: Fundamental Challenges to Global Peace and Security

May 5, 2022 

11am – 12.30pm  EST 

Virtual Event – Register at: https://umd.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EFVPyWVQQjKZ8yFFic6LuQ

This event features the editors of the recent volume Fundamental Challenges to Global Peace and Security: The Future of Humanity. Professor Michael H. Allen, Professor Hoda Mahmoudi, and Dr. Kate Seaman. The discussion will explore the challenges raised in the volume around current thinking and strategies in the field of global peace and security. The discussion will be moderated by Stella Holladay Hudson.  Continue reading

The Future of the International Order:Crossing Divides and Building Community in International Relations 

This post is the sixth in a series examining the future of the international order. One of the five programmatic series that the Bahá’í Chair for World Peace explores is Global Governance, and in 2018, the Chair began a series of conversations focused on the future of the international order. This series of short reflections highlights the ideas discussed, and the solutions offered for improving international relations.  Continue reading

Upcoming Virtual Event: The John B. Slaughter Endowment Reparations Series – Global Models of Reparations

The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace is delighted to co-sponsor

The John B. Slaughter Endowment Reparations Series: Global Models of Reparations 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

12:00 pm – 1:15 pm

Register for the event at:  


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Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Reflection Series From The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace

Once again, we find ourselves in a crisis that is global in nature.

The Coronavirus outbreak is the great tragedy of our era. The pandemic has disrupted virtually every aspect of the systems that hold up our global and local society. Sadly, we do not seem to have in place what could help us to overcome this crisis. Continue reading