Upcoming Virtual Event: The Colors of COVID-19: Confronting Health Disparities During a Global Pandemic

February 16, 2021

2pm – 3.30pm

Virtual – Register in advance at https://tinyurl.com/bahai-colors (link is external)

Professor Stephen B. Thomas, Professor, Health Policy and Management and Director, Maryland Center for Health Equity


Never in our lives have we experienced such a global phenomenon. For the first time in history, the world has come together, focused on the same existential threat, consumed by the same fears and uncertainties, eagerly anticipating the same, yet unrealized, promises of medical science. In a matter of months, human civilization has been brought low by the novel SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), a microscopic parasite 10,000 times smaller than a grain of salt. COVID-19 attacks our physical bodies, but also the cultural foundations of our lives. Depending upon how we respond, our lives, and literally our way of life, hangs in the balance. Continue reading

Still protected: Employed mothers-to-be in the land of milk and honey during the COVID-19 pandemic – Dr. Orna Blumen and Naama Bar-On Shmilovitch

This is a reflection written by Professor Orna Blumen, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Human Services,  University of Haifa, Israel, and Naama Bar-on Shmilovitch, a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Sciences and the manager of the Center for the Study of Organizations & Human Resource Management at the University of Haifa, for the new series from The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace on Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

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