JW Bledsoe, California Photographer

Late 19th and Early 20th Century Photography of the California Wilderness

Tag: Vegetation


JW Bledsoe Nr 3a

Road through a redwood grove.

Road through a redwood grove, titled: “Trees” Gods Creation, Redwood Highway, Cal., and #638.

Precise location unknown, date unknown.

Photograph by J. W. Bledsoe.

Thanks to Keith Moore.

Another Yucca

Yucca in bloom, with a man with glasses and hat to left, holding a leaf of the Yucca.

Yucca in bloom, with a man with glasses and hat to left, holding a leaf of the Yucca.

Yucca in bloom, with a man in glasses and a hat to left, holding a leaf of the Yucca. Location unknown, date unknown.

Photograph by J. W. Bledsoe.

Thanks to Keith Moore.

Homestead Cabin


A homestead cabin in a wooded area, possibly a lumber camp. Year unknown.

Photograph by J.W. Bledsoe when located in Traver, CA, which dates the photo to roughly ~1885-1888.

Victory Boulevard 1915

Victory Boulevard, 1915.

Victory Boulevard, 1915.

Victory Boulevard, 1915. This is now in the heart of greater Los Angeles.

Photograph by J.W. Bledsoe

Image courtesy Jim Smart at CSUSB, from an 8×10 glass plate.

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