BSOS Feller Center Advising Office recommends that you confirm your official enrollment matches the courses you are attending. Often, students do not realize that they are still in a course they thought they dropped.

The last day to make changes to your schedule is Monday, September 11th!

What should I do?

  1. Check your enrollment in Testudo under “Registration (drop/add)” by September 11th. 
  2. Make sure you are enrolled in all of the correct courses.
  3. Make sure you have dropped those you no longer plan to take.
  4. Visit BSOS Advising if you have any questions!

**Be sure to re-check your schedule on September 12th just in case a class that was waitlisted appears on your schedule**

Questions?  Contact the BSOS Advising Center at: 301.405.1697

or schedule an advising appointment:  Schedule an advising appointment

Contact Info

Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Phone: 301-405-1697 (Please leave a message and a staff member will contact you)

Email:  For general advising inquiries:

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