Fellowship Programs

The Governor’s Summer Internship Program (GSIP)

During the GSIP program, interns work on substantive projects with senior-level public administrators and policy makers in departments or policy areas that closely correspond with each intern’s field of study or career interests. Interns will attend seminars designed to introduce them to the specific rewards and challenges of public administration. These seminars are designed to broaden their knowledge of state government and heighten their appreciation and understanding of the interactive relationships between the various functions of government. The Shriver Center at the UMBC coordinates the program in conjunction with the Office of the Governor.

Stipend: Each participating student receives a $5,000 stipend.

Eligibility Criteria For GSIP Fellow Program Applicants:

  • Rising Junior or Senior in the summer of participation
    *Please note: if you are currently a sophomore, you are eligible if you will be a Junior in the upcoming summer
  • Attending a Maryland institution OR a current Maryland resident attending an out-of-state institution
  • GPA 2.7 or above
  • Students must have the ability to be in Central Maryland 2-3 days a week

Program Dates: May 27 – August 8,  Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Application Opens: December 1

Application Deadline: March 1