The BSOS SRI program provides rising juniors and seniors with an 8-week intensive experience to develop research skills, learn about doctoral training, and increase graduate training readiness. Departments involved in the SRI include African American and Africana Studies, Anthropology, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics, Geographical Sciences, Government & Politics, Hearing & Speech Sciences, Program in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, Psychology, and Sociology.
The general goals of the SRI are to:
- Increase the general knowledge of, and interest in, doctoral-level training in the social and behavioral sciences among our participants and to;
- Provide rising juniors and seniors an opportunity to learn about graduate studies and the range of research and scholarship in the social and behavioral sciences specifically here at the University of Maryland.
We achieve these goals by:
- Providing laboratory or research experiences that enhance the basic research knowledge and skills of the participants;
- Providing lectures, workshops, didactic exchanges, and other programming to enhance students’ knowledge of the graduate application process, negotiating the academic rigors and professional and personal challenges encountered in graduate school, and developing career paths in social and behavioral; and,
- Providing mentoring and professional networking opportunities for students to advance their training in the social and behavioral sciences.
2025 SRI Program Dates
The 2025 program dates are Monday, June 2, 2025 – Friday, July 25, 2025. However, all participants are required to arrive to our College Park campus on Saturday, May 31st for the required 2-day, pre-program orientation.
Financial Support
Students will be provided a $3,000 stipend (before taxes). Travel to College Park for the summer and return travel home, room, board, and program activities expenses are also covered by the BSOS SRI. Group housing is provided on campus.
For questions about the BSOS SRI, please contact the SRI Coordinator, Brittney Robinson, at