Tag Archives: bsos

Negotiation Skills for Academics Workshop

Negotiation Skills for Academics Workshop

Date and Time: Friday, September 27th, 2024 10am – 12pm
Location: 2333 Van Munching

Join faculty from BSOS, EDUC, and SPHL colleges for an interactive negotiation workshop. You’ll learn how negotiation impacts academic life, from service roles to author order and teaching responsibilities; discover effective strategies used by successful negotiators to achieve your goals while fostering positive relationships; discuss gender biases in negotiations; and learn practical techniques to prepare both strategically and emotionally for successful outcomes.

After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize the abundance of negotiable opportunities
  2. Differentiate between positions vs. interests
  3. Understand approaches that mitigate biases against women negotiators
  4. Prepare for negotiations by planning both strategically and emotionally

Rena Seltzer, author of The Coach’s Guide for Women Professors: Who Want a Successful Career and a Well-Balanced Life, has expansive experience as a coach and trainer for academics. Rena’s coaching and workshops are deeply influenced by her interest in supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion and by research in the field of positive organizational scholarship.