Tag Archives: dissertation

Dissertation Defense Announcement: Hsin Sydney Jaw

Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Hsin Sydney Jaw
Exploring the Contextual Influence of a Summer Jobs Program on Youth Arrest: Evidence from New York City

Date:  Friday, November 1, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: 2165E LeFrak Hall
Meeting ID: 926 2755 7311
Passcode: 676312

OPRE Forecasted Notice of Funding Opportunity for Dissertation Research

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has long supported rigorous dissertation research by advanced doctoral students addressing policy relevant issues. We are excited to announce that the Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE) has forecasted funding opportunities for fiscal year 2025 for dissertation research on key topics of interest to ACF.

Please visit grants.gov for the Child Care Dissertation GrantsHead Start Dissertation Grants, and Behavioral Interventions Scholars forecasts to view descriptions, estimated application due dates, and to subscribe to email notifications regarding these award opportunities visit the ACF website to view previously awarded projects under Child CareHead Start, and Behavioral Interventions Scholars Grant Programs. We encourage regular visits to ACF’s Grants home page for information about applying.

Note: These forecasted award opportunities are contingent on available funds and the continued interest of the federal government.