Tag Archives: law enforcement

PGPD Embedded Analyst | Maryland Crime Research and Innovation Center (MCRIC)

The Maryland Crime Research and Innovation Center (MCRIC) is seeking to fill the position of embedded analyst for the Prince George’s County Police Department. This appointment would fulfill a graduate assistantship, with full tuition remission and stipend, and requires a one-year commitment. We anticipate beginning the background check process in Spring 2025, with the position starting in Summer 2025 and extending to Spring 2026 (with the possibility of funding support for Summer 2026). 

We anticipate the embedded analyst to work partially at the department and attend in-person meetings as necessary. However, the position is very flexible for a hybrid working schedule. The embedded analyst position is project-driven based on the needs of MCRIC and PGPD. The current project involves analyzing the concentration of violence across the county and at the borders with DC and Montgomery County. This role may also require a mixture of spatial analyses, ride-alongs with officers, and community engagement, based on current project aims. 

The ideal candidate will have research interests/experience in policing, as well as experience in quantitative, geospatial, and qualitative analyses. 

If you are interested in applying for this position, please send a CV and brief cover letter stating your interest in this position to Dr. Bianca Bersani (bbersani@umd.eduby January 15th. Hiring decisions will be announced by February 2025. 

If you have any questions regarding this position, please reach out to Dr. Bianca Bersani or Torri Sperry (current PG embedded analyst) for more information.