Teaching the Foundations
ChelónaRSA believes it is important to incorporate rhetoric at a basic course level, and to teach more nuanced lessons in rhetorical theory and criticism at the undergraduate level.
We have created this resource for instructors because we believe that a strong site benefits both instructors and students. We want our undergraduate students to (1) learn the core and foundational concepts of our field, and (2) benefit from the topical expertise of our instructors that conduct rhetorical inquiry into various subjects.
As an initial phase, we have built a foundation of materials. Over the life of the resource site, we hope our colleagues will contribute lesson plans, modules, sample research. ChelónaRSA will in the short term, develop core modules, and maintain the site moving forward.
This is a visual and material resource, with active links and downloadable pdf lesson plans. We will share access with our colleagues teaching rhetorical lessons or courses and invite future collaboration and contributions.