Link to the registration website
Register to the 10th US National Combustion Meeting
Participant Type | Early Registration* | Full Registration* | On-Site Registration* |
Regular Member | $530 | $630 | $680 |
Student Member | $360 | $430 | $470 |
Regular Non-member | $610 | $710 | $760 |
Student Non-memeber | $380 | $450 | $490 |
* Early registration opens on January 25 and ends on March 17. Full registration opens on March 18 and ends on April 16. On-site registration opens on April 23 and ends on April 26.
Registration fees include admission to all technical sessions, a delegate conference kit, continental breakfast, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, lunches (buffet lunch on Monday and Tuesday, box lunch on Wednesday), the Sunday night welcome reception and the Tuesday night banquet. All attendees, including presenters, must register for the conference.
The difference in registration fees between members and non-members of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute (ESSCI) is used to register non-members to ESSCI (for a duration of 2 years).
For additional information, please contact us.
Student Travel Support
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has generously provided a grant to support student attendance at the US National Combustion Meeting (CBET Award No. 1657846). Student presenters from U.S. institutions will be eligible to apply for travel support after receiving confirmation of acceptance of their abstract (after January 31). Applicants for the NSF-sponsored student travel support must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Be a full-time student at the time of the Meeting;
- Be a co-author of an accepted abstract AND be the presenting author;
- Be a student at a U.S. University;
- Reside at least 50 miles from College Park, Maryland.
Instructions on submitting an application for student travel support can be found here. The deadline for applications is March 31, 2017. Please note that the support is restricted to students at domestic US institutions. Preference will be given to students from institutions in EPSCoR states, students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and students with untenured faculty advisors to encourage broad participation at the Meeting. We anticipate making Awards of several $100s per selected student. For any question on student travel support, please contact Johan Larsson ( or Michael Gollner (
Other travel support from the US Sections of the Combustion Institute will also be made available. Please check with your Section for additional information: the Eastern States Section (ESSCI), the Central States Section (CSSCI), and the Western States Section (WSSCI).