Post-Combustion-Meeting NSF Workshop
Future Combustion Research to Mitigate Carbon Emissions
College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
3501 University Blvd East, Hyattsville MD 20783
April 26-27, 2017 (1 day)
Link to the NSF Workshop on “Future Combustion Research to Mitigate Carbon Emissions“
Get information and apply to participate
Workshop participants will be selected based on research interests and to ensure equitable representation across topical areas. Selected participants will include a mix of senior and junior professionals, as well as some students. The total number of participants including invited speakers, organizers, program managers, and key decision makers is limited to 70. Selected participants will be eligible to receive allowance of up to $250 to partially cover the travel costs.
Fo more information, please contact: Ajay K. Agrawal, The University of Alabama, Phone: (205) 348-4964 or Email: