
Recent Work:

Checkout in Conference Papers:

  • A new conference paper from my UMD Gemstone team that just graduated ! (Congratulations!) accepted to MWSCAS 2024 (Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems) in Springfield, MA this August.  This is a paper using the Inivation DVXplorer sensor to monitor flying honey bees.  This paper is about using the event-stream to estimate wingbeat frequency.

Checkout in Journal Articles:

  • Chenxi Wen’s work on a curved version of the ‘Openspace’ navigation neural network.  This work is exciting because it incorporates an attentional search mechanism tied with a memory system and makes decision in the motor action space, all using spike-timing-based representations.
  • Liuxian Zhao’s latest paper on acoustic metamaterials for ultrasonic sensors (JASA Express Letters)
  • Jacob Isbell’s work on hypothetical “echo view cells”, two different neural networks that learn to recognize environmental echo patterns to recognize “places”.

 = = = = = = = = = =    Journal Articles    = = = = = = = = = =


Wen, C. and Horiuchi, T. K., The Curved Openspace Algorithm and a Spike-Latency Model for Sonar-Based Obstacle Avoidance”, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, doi:

Zhao, L., Horiuchi, T., and Yu, M., “Acoustic waveguide based on cascaded Luneburg lens”, JASA Express Letters, vol 2(2), 2022, DOI: 10.1121/10.0009386


Zhao, L., Horiuchi, T., and Yu, M., “Broadband Acoustic Collimation and Focusing using Reduced Aberration Acoustic Luneburg Lens”, J. Applied Physics, vol 130(21), 2021.  DOI: 10.1063/5.0064571

Zhao, L., Horiuchi, T., and Yu, M., “Broadband Ultra-long Acoustic Jet Based on Double-foci Luneburg Lens”, JASA Express Letters, October 2021.


Anderson, M. J., Sullivan, J. G., Horiuchi, T., Fuller, S. B., and Daniel, T. L., “A Bio-Hybrid Odor-Guided Autonomous Palm-Sized Air Vehicle”,  Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, October 2020, doi: 10.1088/1748-3190/abbd81

Isbell, J. D. B., and Horiuchi, T. K., “Echo View Cells from Bio-Inspired Sonar”, Frontiers in Neurorobotics (2020) doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2020.567991

Zhao, L., Laredo, E., Ryan, O., Yazdkhasti, A., Kim, H-T., Ganye, R., Horiuchi, T., and Yu, M., “Ultrasound beam steering with flattened acoustic metamaterial Luneburg lens”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 071902 (2020);   [metamaterials, 3D printing, sonar/echolocation, acoustic lens]


Koul, S., and Horiuchi, T. K., “Waypoint Path Planning With Synaptic-Dependent Spike Latency”, IEEE Trans Circ Sys 1, (2019) 66(4) pp 1544-1557. doi: 10.1109/TCSI.2018.2882818.  [spike latency, path planning, dynamic synapses, place cells, topological maps, VLSI]


Isbell, J., and Horiuchi, T. K., “Managing Clutter in a High Pulse Rate Echolocation System”, Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol 12. (2018) doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00177   [bat, sonar/echolocation, attention, clutter]


Horiuchi, T. K. and Moss, C. F. (2015), Grid cells in 3-D: Reconciling data and models. Hippocampus, vol 25(12), pp. 1481–1500.  doi: 10.1002/hipo.22469   [bat, grid cells, ring integrator]

Aggarwal, A. and Horiuchi, T. K., (2015) Neuromorphic VLSI second-order synapse, Electronics Letters, vol 51(4) pp. 319-321. DOI:  10.1049/el.2014.3976  [synaptic dynamics]


Horiuchi, T.K. and Massoud, T. M. (2014) Neuromorphic Sensors, Head-Direction, Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6_117-1.  [head direction, ring integrator]

Lee, Wu-Jung, Sonja Sändig, Annette Denzinger, Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler, Timothy K. Horiuchi, and Cynthia F. Moss. “Reconstructing the acoustic scenes encountered by free-flying, foraging bats.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135, no. 4 (2014): 2174-2174.


Massoud, T. M. and Horiuchi, T. K., “A Neuromorphic VLSI Head Direction Cell System”, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I, 58(1), pp. 150-163, (2011) DOI:  10.1109/TCSI.2010.2055310  [head direction, ring integrator, correction]

MacLeod, K. M. and Horiuchi, T. K., “A rapid form of activity-dependent recovery from short-term synaptic depression in the intensity pathway of the auditory brainstem”, Biological Cybernetics, 15 Mar, pp. 1-15, (2011) DOI: 10.1007/s00422-011-0428-8   [synaptic dynamics]


Horiuchi, T. K., “A Low-Power Visual Horizon Estimation Chip” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I, 56(8), pp. 1566 – 1575,  2009.  (DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2008.2010097)   [aerial vehicles, vision chip, visual horizon, perceptron]

Horiuchi, T. K., “A Spike-Latency Model for Sonar-Based Navigation in Obstacle Fields” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I, 56(11), pp. 2393-2401 2009.   (DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2009.2015597 )   [sonar/echolocation, collision avoidance, openspace]


Shi, R., and Horiuchi, T., “A Neuromorphic VLSI Model of Bat Interaural Level Difference Processing for Azimuthal Echolocation”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I vol. 54(1), pp. 74-88,  2007  [bat, sonar/echolocation, ILD, localization, VLSI]

MacLeod, K., Horiuchi, T. K., Carr, C., “A role for short-term synaptic facilitation and depression in the processing of intensity information in the auditory brainstem”, J. Neurophysiol. (DOI:10.1152/JN-01030-2006.R1) vol. 97: pp. 2863-2874.  2007   [synaptic dynamics]

Ghose, K., Horiuchi, T. K., and Moss, C. F., “Flying big brown bats emit a beam with two lobes in the vertical plane”, J. Acoustical Soc. Am. 122(2) pp. 3717-3724, 2007.   [bat, sonar/echolocation]


Ghose, K., Horiuchi, T. K., Krishnaprasad, P. S., and Moss, C. F., “Echolocating Bats Use a Nearly Time-Optimal Strategy to Intercept Prey”, Public Library of Science May 2006, Vol 4., Issue 5. (e108)   [bat, sonar/echolocation, behavior]

Xu, P., Wong, Y. L., Horiuchi, T. K., and Abshire, P. A. “A compact floating-gate true random number generator”, Electronics Letters, vol 42(23) pp. 1346-1347,  2006  [VLSI]


Abdalla, H. and Horiuchi, T. “An Analog VLSI Low-Power Envelope Periodicity Detector”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol 52, issue 9, Sept 2005, pp. 1709-1720.   [acoustics, VLSI]


Horiuchi, T., and Etienne-Cummings, R., “A Time-Series Novelty Detection Chip for Sonar” International Journal of Robotics and Automation, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 171- 177, 2004.  [acoustics, VLSI]


Cheely, M., and Horiuchi, T., “Analog VLSI Models of Range-Tuned Neurons in the Bat Echolocation System”, EURASIP Journal of Signal Processing, Special Issue on Neuromorphic Signal Processing and Implementations 2003(7), pp. 649-658, 2003    [bat, sonar/echolocation, VLSI]


Pesavento, A., Horiuchi, T., Diorio, C., and Koch, C., “Adaptation of Current Signals with Floating-Gate Circuits”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 137-147, 2002   [VLSI, vision chip]


Horiuchi, T., and Hynna, K., “A VLSI-based Model of Azimuthal Echolocation in the Big Brown Bat” Autonomous Robots 11(3) 241-247, 2001.    [bat, sonar/echolocation, localization, VLSI]

Horiuchi, T. and Hynna, K. M. “Spike-based Modeling of the ILD System in the Echolocating Bat”, Special issue on Spiking Neurons in Neuroscience and Technology, Neural Networks, vol 14, pp. 755-762, 2001   [bat, sonar/echolocation, localization, VLSI]

1999: (pre-UMD):

Horiuchi, T. and Koch, C., “Analog VLSI-based Modeling of the Primate Oculomotor System”, Neural Computation 11(1) pp. 243-265, 1999   [neuromorphic, vision chip, VLSI]

1998: (pre-UMD):

Morris, T., Horiuchi, T., and DeWeerth, S. P., “Object-based Selection Within an Analog VLSI Visual Attention System”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing,  45(12) pp. 1564-1572, 1998    [vision chip, VLSI]

1997: (pre-UMD):

Horiuchi, T. and Koch, C., “Floating Gate Circuits for Adaptation of Saccadic Eye Movement Accuracy”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 13(1/2) pp. 69-78, 1997    [vision chip, VLSI, learning]

1992 (pre-UMD):

Horiuchi, T., Bair, W., Bishofberger, B., Moore, A., Koch, C., and Lazzaro, J., “Computing Motion Using Analog VLSI Vision Chips: An Experimental Comparison Among Different Approaches”, Intl. J. of Comp. Vision 8:3, 203-216, 1992   [vision chip, visual motion, VLSI]


= = = = = = = =     Conference Papers  and Technical Reports  = = = = = = = = = =



To be presented at MWSCAS 2024 in Springfield, MA:    Harrington, K., Taeckens, E. A., Tremba, M., Lynch, M., Fatima, A., Kukadia, R., Majumder, Z., Mathur, R., Park, D., Strucko, R., Traska, S., and Horiuchi, T. K., “Event-Based Frequency Detection Methods For Determining Wingbeat Frequencies of Honey Bees”  (5 pages)


Horiuchi, T. K., Cruz-Flores, D., and Patel, P., “A Hand-Worn Sensor for Pointing and Arm-Gesture Command Recognition” presented at the IEEE Intl. Symp Circuits and Systems (May 31, 2022 @ ISCAS 2022 – Austin, TX, USA)


Castro, A., Peckerar, L., Horiuchi, T., and Abshire, P., “Rotor-Induced Airflow for Odor Source Detection on Nano-Quadcopters” Proc. IEEE Sensors Conf. October 2020,


K. D. Fischl, A. B. Cellon, T. C. Stewart, T. K. Horiuchi and A. G. Andreou, “Socio-Emotional Robot with Distributed Multi-Platform Neuromorphic Processing : (Invited Presentation),” 2019 53rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CISS.2019.8692945.


Wen, C., and Horiuchi, T. K., “Power-Law Compression Expands the Dynamic Range of a Neuromorphic Echolocation System”, Proc. 2018 IEEE Biomedical Circ Sys Conf (BioCAS 2018) Oct 17-19, Cleveland, OH (5 pages) doi: 10.1109/BIOCAS.2018.8584680  (Runner-up for Best Paper Award)

Horiuchi, T. K., Faruque, I., Cervi, T., McColl, D., Isbell, J., Jauregui, D., and Woodbury, D., “Visually-Guided Counter-sUAS Aerial Vehicle: Flight Results”, Proc. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (AIAA SciTech Forum), 8-12 Jan, 2018, Kissimmee FL, (15 pages) doi: 10.2514/6.2018-2105


Koul, S. and Horiuchi, T. K., “Effect of synaptic charge convergence on path planning over a neural network”, Proc. 2017 IEEE Intl. Symp. Circ Sys. 28-31 May 2017 (4 pages)  doi: 10.1109/ISCAS.2017.8050982.    [spike latency]


Horiuchi, T. K., Paras, M., Cervi, T., Oursler, B., Sanz, S., Gaus, J., McColl, D., Woller, S., Woodbury, D., Faruque, I., and Xu, H., “An Autonomous, Visually-Guided Counter-sUAS Aerial Vehicle with Net Countermeasure”, Proc. AIAA AVIATION Forum,  June 13-17, 2016 Washington DC. (15 pages) doi: 10.2514/6.2016-3397.

Gurel, Nil Z., Conroy, J., Horiuchi, T., and Humbert, J. S., “Frequency-Domain Characterization of Optic Flow and Vision-Based Ocellar Sensing for Rotational Motion”, Army Research Laboratory Technical Report number: ARL-TR-7974, November 2016.

Kim, J. J., Horiuchi, T. K., Wohlgemuth, M. and Moss, C. F., “BatFlash: A head-mounted LED for detecting bat echolocation,” 2016 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 2016, pp. 208-211, doi: 10.1109/BioCAS.2016.7833768.


Koul, S., and Horiuchi, T. K., “Path Planning by Spike Propagation”, Intl Symp Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Atlanta GA, presented November 2015 (4 pages)    [spike latency]


Horiuchi, T. K. and Massoud, T. M., “A neuromorphic VLSI model of grid cells in the echolocating bat”, Proc. 2014 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conf., Oct 22-24, 2014, p. 540-543. doi: 10.1109/BioCAS.2014.6981782.


Massoud, T. M., and Horiuchi, T. K., “A Neuromorphic VLSI Grid Cell System”, Proc. Intl Symp on Circ and Systems (ISCAS2012) Seoul, South Korea, May 2012. pp. 2421-2424.  (DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2012.6271787)

Galluppi, F., Conradt, J., Stewart, T., Eliasmith, C., Horiuchi, T., Tapson, J., Tripp, B., Furber, S., Etienne-Cummings, R., Live Demo: Spiking ratSLAM: Rat hippocampus cells in spiking neural hardware.  Proc. 2012 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conf., Nov 28-30, 2012, p. 91. Doi: 10.1109/BioCAS.2012.6418493


Massoud, T. M., and Horiuchi, T. K., “Online Correction of Orientation Estimates Using Spatial Memory in a Neuromorphic Head Direction System”, Proc. Intl Symp on Circ and Systems (ISCAS2011) Rio de Janiero, Brazil, May 2011.  pg. 2429-2432.  (DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2011.5938094)


Massoud, T. M. and Horiuchi, T. K., “A Neuromorphic Head Direction Cell System”, Proc. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2009) Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 565 – 568, 2009.  (DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2009.5117811)

Horiuchi, T. K., Bansal, C., and Massoud, T. M., “Binaural Intensity Comparison in the Echolocating Bat Using Synaptic Conductance” Proc. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2009) Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2153 – 2156, pp.  2009. (DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2009.5118222)


Xu, P., Horiuchi, T., and Abshire, P., “Stochastic Model and Simulation of a Random Number Generator Circuit”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2008), May 2008, Seattle, WA pp. 2977-2980, 2008.  ( DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2008.4542083)

Abdalla, H. and Horiuchi, T. K., “Binaural Spectral Cues for Ultrasonic Localization” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2008) May 2008, Seattle, WA, pp. 2110-2113, 2008. (DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2008.4541866)

Xu, P., Horiuchi, T. K., and Abshire, P. A., “Short-Term Depression in VLSI Stochastic Synapse”, 2008 Neural Information Processing Systems Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Dec 2008.  (8 pages)

Abdalla, H. and Horiuchi, T. K., “Spike-based Acoustic Signal Processing Chips for Detection and Localization” to be presented at the 2008 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2008), Nov 20-22, 2008, Baltimore, MD. (4 pages)


Horiuchi, T. and Cheely, M., “A Systems View of a Neuromorphic VLSI Echolocation System” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2007) May 27-30, 2007 in New Orleans, LA. pp. 605-608.

Horiuchi, T. K., Tucker, D., Boyle, K., and Abshire, P., “Spike discrimination using amplitude measurements with a low-power CMOS neural amplifier”  Proc. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2007) May 27-30, 2007 in New Orleans, LA, pp. 3123-3126.

Xu, P., Horiuchi, T. K., Sarje, A., and Abshire, P., “Stochastic Synapse with Short-term Depression for Silicon Neurons”, Proc. Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conf. (BioCAS 2007), Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2007, pp. 99-102, 2008 (DOI: 10.1109/BIOCAS.2007.4463318)


Horiuchi, T., “A Neural Model for Sonar-Based Navigation in Obstacle Fields” to appear in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006) May 21-25, 2006 in Kos, Greece (4 pages)


Horiuchi, T., “A Low-Power Visual Horizon Estimation Chip”, to appear in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005) May 23-26, 2005, in Kobe, Japan pp. 4755-4758.

Shi, R., and Horiuchi, T., “A VLSI Model of the Bat Dorsal Nucleus of the Lateral Lemniscus for Azimuthal Localization”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005) May 23-26, 2005, in Kobe, Japan pp. 4217-4220.

Abdalla, H., and Horiuchi, T., “An Ultrasonic Filterbank with Spiking Neurons”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005) May 23-26, 2005, in Kobe, Japan pp. 4201-4204.


Gruev, V., Etienne-Cummings, R., and Horiuchi T., “Linear Current Mode Imager with Low Fix Pattern Noise” Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’04) IV:860-863, May 23-26, 2004.

Shi, R., and Horiuchi, T., “A VLSI model of the bat lateral superior olive for azimuthal echolocation” Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’04) IV:900-903, May 23-26, 2004.

Shi, R. Z., and Horiuchi, T., “A Summating, Exponentially-Decaying CMOS Synapse for Spiking Neural Systems”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, pp. 1003-1010, 2004. eds. Thrun, S., Saul, L., and Schölkopf, B. MIT Press, Cambridge MA.

Horiuchi, T., Swindell, T., Sander, D., and Abshire, P., “A Low-Power CMOS Neural Amplifier with Amplitude Measurements for Spike Sorting”, Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’04) IV:29-32, May 23-26, 2004.


Cheely, M., and Horiuchi, T., “A VLSI model of range-tuned neurons in the bat echolocation system”, Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’03), vol. 4, pp. IV-872 – IV-875, May 25-28, 2003.

Horiuchi, T., and Etienne-Cummings, R., “A time-series processor for sonar mapping and novelty detection”, Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS ’03), vol. 4, pp. IV-868 – IV-871, May 25-28, 2003.


Indiveri, G., Horiuchi, T., Niebur, E., and Douglas, R. J., “A Competitive Network of Spiking VLSI Neurons”, in Proceedings of the World Congress on Neuroinformatics, Vienna, Austria, September 2001, pp. 443-455.


Pesavento, A., Horiuchi, T., Diorio, C., and Koch, C., “Adaptation of current signals with floating-gate circuits”, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Microelectronics for Neural, Fuzzy, and Bio-Inspired Systems (MicroNeuro’99), pp. 128-134, April 7-9, 1999

Horiuchi, T., and Niebur, E., “Conjunction Search Using a 1-D, Analog VLSI-based Attentional Search/Tracking Chip”, Proceedings of the ARVLSI Conference 1999 (Atlanta, Mar 21-24), pp. 276-290 IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos CA., 1999


Horiuchi, T., Morris, T., Koch, C., and DeWeerth, S. P. “Analog VLSI Circuits for Object-Based, Winner-Take-All Attentional Selection”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9, (MIT Press, Cambridge MA), pp. 706-712, 1997


Horiuchi, T. K., and Koch, C., “Analog VLSI Circuits for Visual Motion-Based Adaptation of Post-Saccadic Drift”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Microelectronics for Neural Networks, 1996 (MicroNeuro’96) Lausanne, Switzerland, Feb 12-14, pp. 60-66.


Horiuchi, T., “An Auditory Localization and Coordinate Transform Chip”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 787-794, 1995


Horiuchi, T., Bishofberger, B., Koch, C., “An Analog VLSI Saccadic System”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 6, Morgan Kaufman, pp. 582-589, 1994


Horiuchi, T., Lazzaro, J., Moore, A., and Koch, C., “A Delay-Line Based Motion Detection Chip”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3, Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 406-412, 1992


Koch, C., Moore, A., Bair, W., Horiuchi, T., Bishofberger, B., and Lazzaro, J., “Computing Motion using Analog VLSI Vision Chips: An Experimental Comparison Among Four Approaches”, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Visual Motion, Oct 7-9, 1991. pp. 312-324.

Koch, C., Bair, W., Harris, J., Horiuchi, T., Hsu, A., Luo, J., “Real-Time Computer Vision and Robotics Using Analog VLSI Vision Chips”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2, Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 750-757, 1991


Refereed Conference Presentations (posters)

Shi, R. and Horiuchi, T. “Excitation and Inhibition in Bat Azimuthal Echolocation” poster presented at the Thirteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Conference (CNS*2004), Baltimore, MD, July 28-22, 2004.

Monographs, Reports, and Extension Publications.

Horiuchi, T.K. “Seeing” in the dark: neuromorphic VLSI modeling of bat echolocation”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 22,  Issue 5,  Sept. 2005 pp. 134 – 139.

Book Reviews, Other Articles, and Notes.

“An EMG-Controlled Tail” by Timothy Horiuchi, in the “The Neuromorphic Engineer“ newsletter.  A one-page news article publicizing a group project at the 2004 Telluride Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop. Vol 1, Number 2., 2004.   Website:

Horiuchi, T. K., and Indiveri, G. “The Telluride ‘Grand Challenge’ Robot Race”, Institute for Neuromorphic Engineering Newsletter, vol 2. no. 2, 2005

Horiuchi, T. K. and Boahen, K., “The INE-UPenn Word-Serial Address-Event Representation Workshop”, Institute for Neuromorphic Engineering Newsletter, Vol 3. Number 1., 2006.

Unrefereed Conference Proceedings.

Mikula, S., Horiuchi, T., Niebur, E., and Johnson, K. O, “A comparison of deterministic and probabilistic synaptic depression: implications for cross- correlation detection”, in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Vol. 26, p. 1383, New Orleans, LA, 2000.

Abdalla, H., and Horiuchi, T., “A Low-Power Acoustic Periodicity Detector Chip for Voice and Engine Detection”, Proceedings of the 2003 International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS’03), Dec 27-30, 2003.

Ghose, K., Horiuchi, T. K, and Moss, C., “Linking spatial attention and sonar beam direction in an echolocating bat”, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, October 2004, San Diego, CA.

P.V. Reddy, K. Ghose, E.W. Justh, T.K. Horiuchi, P.S. Krishnaprasad and C.F. Moss, “Pursuit Laws in Bat-Insect Encounters”,  NSF Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience PIs Meeting, College Park, June 3-5, 2007.