Berkshire Hathaway and Clean Energy

I am quoted in a Omaha World-Herald article (November 30, 2014) on Berkshire Hathaway and clean energy:

“Omaha’s Berkshire Hathaway appears set to gain from the energy changes. The company owns two major U.S. pipelines, including Omaha-based Northern Natural Gas, the nation’s largest. Berkshire’s MidAmerican Energy, based in Iowa, is the utility industry’s biggest generator of wind energy.

The company also has invested billions in solar projects, including one in California described as the largest solar farm in the world. It’s under construction, scheduled for completion next year.”

“Berkshire’s energy investments show a certain amount of foresight in reading the tea leaves,” said David Kass, a University of Maryland business professor who follows Berkshire and is a shareholder. “Seeing what direction the country is going with green technology has allowed Berkshire to get there faster than others.”
The entire article is available at:

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