
If I am being honest, I have not done much in regards to the project this week, but I do plan to look at the final report later today that I know other group members have been devoting time to. Let me explain why.

I have become increasingly involved with the University of Maryland Autism Research Consortium (UMARC) this semester and a couple of months ago co-director Kathy Dow-Burger invited me to lead a meeting of their college transition program called Social Interaction Group Network for UMD students with Autism (SIGNA). They are in the middle of a unit on self-advocacy and disclosure and it is important for autistics to have mentors and role models, so it makes sense for them to be introduced to a self-advocate, and it is a way for me to get practice doing this sort of activity. I am excited for the opportunity, but preparing for it has taken up a lot of my time since my last blog post. I am okay with that, though, because a person has to be able to rank tasks by priority level and this one is a high priority for me for multiple reasons.

I gave a presentation to SIGNA staff yesterday and tomorrow I will be doing so to SIGNA members. After that, my life will calm down some, but for the iSchool Symposium on Tuesday, May 1st, I have organized and will be sitting on a panel that is designed to serve as an introduction to neurodiversity. The difference with that is that I will not be alone and it is only 40 minutes instead of 1.5 hours. I hope to see some of my classmates and professors there at 4:15 in the Nanticoke Room in Stamp.


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