Possible Funding Sources

One of the sections in our final report that I worked on today dealt with possible funding sources. I began by stating the fact that some money needs to be put into technological infrastructure and data backup improvements and explained why; Joe’s has a responsibility to its funders and students to make sure that funding does not go to waste, such as when student work is lost due to negligence, especially because CreativeWorks primarily serves minority students.

However, I tried to remain positive by saying that this was an opportunity for Joe’s to improve some aspects of its internal operations, allowing it to perform its outward-facing mission better. I pointed out how CW could serve as a test bed for solutions that get implemented in other programs or across the whole organization. CW would not be getting special treatment at everyone else’s expense, although CW does have certain unique or expanded needs due to the nature of the program (class video editing comes to mind first).

I identified the following possible funding sources:

I also identified the following events or locations where CW could stage exhibitions or performances and possibly attract funders or partners. I mentioned how CW could look into involving the community more, thereby opening up new avenues to funding, such as bringing in local artists to collaborate or teach. I am curious who their instructors are and if maybe they are already doing some of this.

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