- Howard, T.*, Ganley, S.E.**, Maheshwari, S.*, Dodson, L.G., Buffer-Gas Cooling of Hydrogen Cyanide Quantified by Cavity-Ringdown Spectroscopy. J. Mol. Spec. 2024, 406, 111953.
- Frimpong, S.O., McLane, N.*, Dietrich, M.**, Bauer, G.A., Baptiste, M.R., Dodson, L.G., Taylor, M.K. Temperature-Dependent Structural Dynamics in Covalent Organic Frameworks Observed by Cryogenic Infrared Spectroscopy. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2024, 26, 22252–22260.
- Hockey, E.K.*, McLane, N.*, Martí, C., Duckett, L.**, Osborn, D.L., Dodson, L.G., Direct Observation of Gas-Phase Hydroxymethylene: Photoionization and Kinetics Resulting from Methanol Photodissociation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 21, 14416–14421.
- Hockey, E.K.*, McLane, N.*, Vlahos, K.**, McCaslin, L.M., Dodson, L.G., Matrix-Formation Dynamics Dictate Methyl Nitrite Conformer Abundance. J. Chem. Phys. 2024, 160, 094303. Featured in the 2024 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection.
- Hockey, E.K.*, Vlahos, K.**, Howard, T.*, Palko, J.*, Dodson, L.G., Weakly Bound Complex Formation Between HCN and CH3Cl: A Matrix-Isolation and Computational Study J. Phys. Chem. A 2022, 126, 20, 3110–3123. Featured in the virtual issue 10 Years of the ACS PHYS Astrochemistry Subdivision.
(* Graduate Student, ** Undergraduate Student)
Prior to University of Maryland
- Zagorec-Marks, W., Dodson, L.G., Weis, P., Schneider, E., Kappes, M., Weber, J. M., Intrinsic Structure and Electronic Spectrum of Deprotonated Biliverdin—Cryogenic Ion Spectroscopy and Ion Mobility, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143 (2021) 17778–17785.
- Dodson, L.G., Zagorec-Marks, W., Xu, S., Smith, J.E.T., Weber, J.M., Intrinsic Photophysics of Nitrophenolate Ions Studied by Cryogenic Ion Spectroscopy, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 28535–28543. Part of the 2018 PCCP HOT Articles collection.
- Dodson, L.G., Thompson, M.C., Weber, J.M., Interactions of Molecular Titanium Oxides TiOx (x = 1–3) with Carbon Dioxide in Cluster Anions, J. Phys. Chem. A 122 (2018) 6909–6917.
- Dodson, L.G., Savee, J.D., Gozem, S., Shen, L., Krylov, A.I., Taatjes, C.A., Osborn, D.L., Okumura, M., Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoionization Cross Section of the Hydroxyl Radical, J. Chem. Phys. 148 (2018) 184302.
- Dodson, L.G., Thompson, M.C., Weber, J.M., Titanium Insertion into CO Bonds in Anionic Ti-CO2 Complexes, J. Phys. Chem. A 122 (2018) 2983–2991.
- Dodson, L.G., Thompson, M.C., Weber, J.M., Characterization of Intermediate Oxidation States in CO2 Activation, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 69 (2018) 231–252.
- Wennberg, P.O., Bates, K.H., Crounse, J.D., Dodson, L.G., McVay, R.C., Mertens, L.A., Nguyen, T.B., Praske, E., Schwantes, R.H., Smarte, M.D., St Clair, J.M., Teng, A.P., Zhang, X., Seinfeld, J.H., The Gas-Phase Reactions of Isoprene and Its Major Oxidation Products, Chem. Rev. 118 (2018) 3337–3390.
- Thompson, M.C., Dodson, L.G., Weber, J.M., Structural Motifs of [Fe(CO2)n]− Clusters (n = 3–7), J. Phys. Chem. A 121 (2017) 4132–4138.
- Dodson, L.G., Shen, L., Savee, J.D., Eddingsaas, N.C., Welz, O., Taatjes, C.A., Osborn, D.L., Sander, S.P., Okumura, M., VUV Photoionization Cross Sections of HO2, H2O2, and H2CO, J. Phys. Chem. A 119 (2015) 1279–1291. Featured in the virtual issue Probing the Fundamentals of Light-Matter Interactions.
- Dodson, L.G., Vogt, R.A., Marks, J.A., Reichardt, C., Crespo-Hernández, C.E., Photophysical and Photochemical Properties of the Pharmaceutical Compound Salbutamol in Aqueous Solutions, Chemosphere 83 (2011) 1513–1523.