Adventure Awaits

Hello to everyone reading my very first blog and joining me on my newest adventure. My name is Lauren Noble, a junior at the University of Maryland, College Park studying Finance and Accounting. In just a few days, I will depart on another adventure: I will be studying abroad in England.

When I was growing up, I was very lucky to experience other cultures and places outside of the United States. However, when an opportunity presented itself to study abroad, I knew I had to take it. Firstly, when will I be given the opportunity to spend 3-4 months in a foreign country? Yes, I could be transferred to a foreign office when I start full-time but that would signify permanency or be longer than 4 months. Secondly, London is one of the financial centers of the world. As a finance and accounting double major, this is a great experience.

Throughout my travel abroad experiences, I hope to learn many things and achieve 2 of my several goals. First, one of my goals is to fully immerse myself in the culture of the United Kingdom and other European countries that I visit along the way. Second, my goal is to explore, adventure and make everlasting memories. Cliché, I know, but my bags are packed and it is almost time to leave! With my passport in one hand and boarding pass in the other, see you soon, across the pond!

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  1. Best wishes for an amazing time and achieving your goals!

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