Dr. Hao is guest editing a special Methods Collection in JOVE (Journal of Visualized Experiment) on ” Understanding the Central Nervous System by Mass Spectrometry”

Most central nervous system (CNS) disorders are currently incurable due to our limited understanding of disease mechanisms and the challenges of CNS drug development. MS-based techniques are widely applied to decipher the molecular mechanisms of neurological disorders and discover biomarkers and therapeutic targets for brain diseases.

JoVE is the first and only peer-reviewed scientific methods video journal, aimed at increasing the visibility and reproducibility of research, and the world-leading producer and provider of science videos.

This Method Collection will highlight recent advancements and methods in various MS techniques and MS-based analyses of diverse biomolecules, including but not limited to MS-based proteomics, peptidomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, MS-imaging, single-cell analysis, and biomarker discovery, with a special focus in studying the CNS. The goal is to provide video-based protocols and promote best practices in cutting-edge MS-based methodologies, assisting the researchers in the field to advance new technologies and deepen our understandings of the CNS. Abstract submission is now open for this special method collection.

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