
Principle Investigator

Dr. Ling Hao
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Maryland, College Park

Postdoctoral Fellows:

Dr. Gwang Bin Lee
(Ph.D. in Chemistry from Yonsei University, Korea)
My research: MS-based multi-omics method development and application to brain diseases.

Graduate Students:

Ashley Frankenfield
(B.S., St. Joe’s University, PA)
My research: developing MS-based proteomic methods and bioinformatic tools to study dynamic protein turnover and lysosomal interactions in human stem cell-derived neurons.

Achievements: American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Graduate Student Travel Award;
ARCS Foundation Scholarship, Keystone Symposia Scholarship; Bourdon F. Scribner Fund Fellowship.

Haorong Li
(B.S., CAU, China. M.S., Miami U, OH)
My research: developing cleavable proximity labeling and multi-omics strategies to understand mitochondrial dysfunctions in neurodegeneration.

Achievements: US-HUPO Travel Award; WBMSDG 1st place Young Investigator Travel Award; SCBA Symposium Best Poster Award; Bourdon F. Scribner Fund Fellowship.

Naomi Ni
(B.S., UCSD. M.S., Tufts U)
My research: characterizing the dynamics of subcellular organelles in human iPSCs and iPSC-derived neuron culture.

Wan Nur Atiqah binti Mazli
(B.S., University of Minnesota)
My research: MS-proteomics in human neurons to study molecular mechanisms of Frontotemporal Dementia.

Noah Smeriglio
(B.S., Widener University)
My research: developing automated sample preparation strategies for MS-proteomics.

Undergraduate Students

Jamison Shih
My research: MS-proteomics to measure protein turnover.

Achievements: Luther Rice Undergraduate Research Fellowship.


Dr. Roberto Mendez
(Postdoc Associate)
Current position:
FDA ORISE fellow
Ryan Navarro
(B.S.) Current: Medical School, Queen’s University, Canada.
Mustafa Ahmed
(B.S.) Current: Medical School,
New York Institute of Technology
Abigail Klink
Research Assistant
Nicholas Randolph
(B.S.) Current: Medical School, University of Maryland
Erik Prakken
(B.S.) Current: Associate at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Anna Grim
(B.S.) Current: BD Representative, Genesys, Inc.
Cameron Baker
NSF REU summer undergrad student
Miranda Xiong,
Summer student from TJHSST high school
Katharine Bendel
NSF REU summer
undergrad student
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